Deleted Playlist folders in Music folder

I accidentally deleted all the playlist folders (and others) in my Music folder on my computer while tranferring all my music into an external hard drive. Now when I try to sync music onto my Sansa, it (or WMP) just wouldnt allow me to sync them into any of  the playlists (I do see the names of my playlists( right clicking)) . Also, when I try to play songs on the playlist in WMP, it tells me the file is missing media usage rights. What can I do? Thanks.

The file which you are trying to play is protected. Only the person who purchased it can play the file. Have a look on the internet for DRM and you will understand.

 believe its because i deleted the playlist folders and the files associated with them. Do u know how to reincorporate my playlists into my Music folder (on my computer)? I tried to Create Folder in my Music folder but that didnt work. 

The usage rights have to be sent over by Windows Media Player. You may have to make your playlists again through WMP.

You see when i have my sansa plugged in and WMP is up, I *do* see the playlist names (both under Library AND Sana Fuze). But when I clicked on, say, one of the playlist names that is under Library, nothing happens. And when I do the same for the one under Sansa Fuse, the media right message pops up. How do I recreate Playlist using WMP? Delete them all and  recreate? If I use the same playlist names, will I be creating conflicts with the ones that is already in my Sansa? One more thing, when I go through my music that is in my Sansa using WMP, all the album art is gone as well.