Two weeks ago i bought two sansa clips 2 gb at NYC, one black at radio shack and one pink -for my girlfriend- at bestbuy, mine worked perfectly and i made the stupid mistake of letting mi girlfriend’s gift closed into it’s blister. Few days later (after she successfully loaded some mp3) the clip stopped loading music and charging batteries, we tried with several usb ports on many computers and with AC adapters, we got nowhere. Now the battery is empty, when it is connected the “connected” screen appears with the fixed yellow battery but nothing happens, i tried to upgrade the firmware while the battery was still charged but it wouldn’t recognize the unit, not even in mass storage mode.
I sent an email so sandisk support but got no answer. I live outside US.
I obviously have a problem and would appreciate some help.
Thanks in advance.
Your request is in process and should be answeerd shortly.
PromisedPlanet wrote:
MrSmileyFace wrote:
Your request is in process and should be answeerd shortly.
Woah. Has this forum become an official means of submitting tech support requests, now?
Let me clarify, I looked into his case. I searched for his email in our ebox system and verifed that it was being addressed. This is done by submiting request to or through the support section of the SanDisk website.
I do not want to confuse anyone and lead them to believe that this is an official means to being able to submit support request. It is not.
I am more then happy, as a moderator, to look into cases as I come across them and address them to the best of my ability, but please do not assume your case or issue is being addressed simply because you have made a post.
Thanks to PromisedPlanet for pointing this out.
I apologize for the misunderstood. As the moderator kindly answered, i was contacted by the appropriate representatives.