I just bought a Dane Elec brand SDHC micro chip and inserted it into my Fuze’s SD chip slot. The screen said that it was refreshing the media and I went to settings and then to info and it appeared on the list as having 0 MB of data, but 0 MB of free space. So then, I put the chip in it’s adapter and inserted it into the computer and put photos and mp3s on it. I then put the SD chip back in the Fuze and it once again said that the media was being refreshed. I went to the music menu to find that the music that I put on it didn’t show up on the music list on the Fuze…nor did the photos. I went back to system sttings>info and it said 0MB of data and 0MB of free space again!
But when I put it in the computer, I can view all of the pics and listen to all of the music I put on it. Someone please help! It’s brand new and should not have errors. I also tried updating to the latest firmware and that didn’t help either!