I recently bought a 32gb sandisk micro sd card last december 14 2017 and earlier today (jan 3 2018) i noticed my phone suddenly freeze and restarted it then upon restart i can no longer access my memory card it says damaged sd card try reformartting…the prob is i cant seem to reformat it. Every time i hit format memory card on my phone nothing happens and still says damaged sd card try reformatting…i have more than 30k images on it and i want to recover it if possible…honestly i trust sandisk/WD when it comes to external storage (i have 5x wd external hdd and one of them was from 2008 and still works till now) reason why when i decided to buy a micro sd i decided it should be sandisk
What happens when you connect the card to a computer? Can it read it? Formatting the card will erase anything that has been added, so I would only do that as a last resort.
It can be read for a few secs but then says can’t access disk when i try to move my files to the pc
It says parameter is incorrect
I can view the files and compress them in the same drive…but the moment i try to delete or copy or move them the driver would disconnect and says parameter is incorrect
Hmmm, bummer. It’s not sounding promising.
Hi, Crimson875
Maybe your SD card is write-protected? Did you check it?
Or maybe, there are troubles with drivers…
Well, here is a nice article “How to save damaged sd card” by DiskInternals company. There are nice working tips. Try it, maybe some of them will help you :wink:
Hi Crimson….as I can see that you want to reformat your damaged SD card but you are unable to do so. Well, in this case, I think I can help you by providing the best steps to reformat your damaged SD card. You can try the methods mentioned in this blog: http://www.rescuedigitalmedia.com/fixed-sd-card-is-damaged-try-reformatting-it
Remove the card from your phone and insert it into a card reader. Connect the card reader to your computer.
Check if the computer detects the card. If it does, DO NOT format it yet.
Then, try using a profession tool to recover lost data from your SD card.
If the card is physically failing, you can create a RAW image using software like ddrescue (Linux/Mac) or HDD Raw Copy Tool (Windows). Then, attempt recovery on the image file instead of the physical card.
That’s really strange—trusted brands like SanDisk usually last long, but sometimes even the best ones act up unexpectedly.
Have you tried checking it on a PC or using a recovery tool? It’s odd that formatting doesn’t work, almost like the card is stuck in a limbo state…