So obviously I am here because my Sandisk card is corrupt
When I put it into my computer (pc or mac) it sees the folders and files. However, I can’t open nor copy them.
I have tried windows and mac. I have tried 2 different reader. I have cleaned the tips with alcohol.
When I mount the sd card, windows complains and asks if I wnat to repair - does nothing
Now in explorer, if I have thumbnail view on - I can actually see most of the images. So they are there, I just cant do anything more.
Chkdsk originally had some errors (cant recall). Now chkdsk displays:
“a media error has een dected. Bad sectors may be present on the volume”
“corruption was foundwhile xaming files in directory /misc/thm/100” (dont care about this folder)
disc does not have enough space to replace bad sectors" - NOTE: this is a 64GB card with only 1 GB in use
I don’t mind paying some money for a tool to get the files back. However, there are so many and none will really work until you pay to unlock. If I could find one that will work I probably will buy it.
Question is can they be recovered?