Worst day ever. From morning to night. And on top of that my sansa player is completely useless as always. Now it doesn’t even get recognized when I plug it in my computer. I’ve tried to download windows media player 11 (some users reported it worked then), but I don’t have pass the validation by Microsoft Windows. I’ve tried to hold down the on button for 20 seconds and then the middle button and see if that helps - but nope. Not that either. I’ve tried to reset it all too - so now I don’t have any songs left on it at all. Did it work? Nope.
Not sure what to do. All I know is that I need some fresh air now because my temper is not helping me here.
Unfortunately have already tried it and still the computer doesn’t recognize the player. I tried uninstall Sansa and install it again. But apparently I can’t even install it now as the computer - from what I can read - need to be recognized by windows before I can finish the install. And it doesn’t.
I’ve tried several solutions but none have worked so far. Have thought about buying a new player, because this is not the first time I have difficulties with my Sansa Clip player. Not pleased to be honest.
@kevlarsoul wrote:
Worst day ever. From morning to night. And on top of that my sansa player is completely useless as always. Now it doesn’t even get recognized when I plug it in my computer. I’ve tried to download windows media player 11 (some users reported it worked then), but I don’t have pass the validation by Microsoft Windows. I’ve tried to hold down the on button for 20 seconds and then the middle button and see if that helps - but nope. Not that either. I’ve tried to reset it all too - so now I don’t have any songs left on it at all. Did it work? Nope.
If you don’t have a legit copy of Windows, then things might not work correctly. You probably need to address that before blaming everything on the player.
You could try a usb info cleaner as this one (for win XP) : http://www.nexcopy.com/downloads/USBScrub.zip or this one for XP/Vista/Seven : http://nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html Try to clean all USB entries with Sandisk or Clip, restart PC and try again to plug your Clip
Unpulgged player while it was in the process of synching with Windows media player (it was synching all my potos which i did not want to happen and would take forever anyway). Unit would not power up or be recognized when plugged into PC. Finally I was able to get it back (thansk to a post on this forum), but most content was lost and folders are a little different (all CAPS) and now reads “SANSA CLIPP” and one folder is called “AUDIBLE.”
What happened here and how do I get it back to it’s original state, even if it means wiping memory clean and starting over?
will it replace folders to original state too?
also, why would I still have a handful of songs that show up on the player, byt cannot be seen in any of the folders via my PC?
@wedmiston wrote:
Finally I was able to get it back (thansk to a post on this forum), but most content was lost and folders are a little different (all CAPS) and now reads “SANSA CLIPP” and one folder is called “AUDIBLE.”
What happened here and how do I get it back to it’s original state, even if it means wiping memory clean and starting over?
1.) You should really start a new thread. Posting a new, unrelated problem in an existing one is considerd by most as ‘high-jacking’ the thread; a forum faux-paux.
2.) Sounds like when you pulled the plug, you might have broken the MTP connection driver; the fact that it ‘looks different’ and reads SANSA CLIPP indicates that your player is now connected in MSC mode. Apparently, it was in Auto Defect mode when this happened as it can connect in either mode that way (and should be avoided for that very reason).
@wedmiston wrote:
also, why would I still have a handful of songs that show up on the player, byt cannot be seen in any of the folders via my PC?
Because files cannot be seen or accessed by your computer unless it is connected in the same mode as when the files were transferred in. In other words, files loaded in MTP mode cannot be seen in MSC. And vice-versa.
and how do I get the devicon back? I’d like to have it show in my directory
You can reinstall the firmware. Just do it manually, there will be instructions in the post. I also recommend formatting the player first. After the firmware is reinstalled, the USB mode settings will go back to the default setting of autodetect.
Unplugging the player when it’s still transferring data is a very bad idea. It can permanently damage your firmware beyond repair and it’ll void the warranty.
One other thing, if WMP takes over the transferring of data again, if I recall correctly, there should be a “stop sync” button on the lower right corner of the display for WMP.
I’ve tried:
Uninstall firmwire and reinstall it.
Tried download Windows Media Player 11 (didn’t work, as I had problems with the validation)
Tried reformat the player.
Tried put the player on hold and push down the center button while plugging it in to the computer.
Tried the advice on this page: http://kb.sandisk.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/447
Tried 1 or 2 more things which I do not even remember right now.
And with all due respect - I DO blame the player. I’ve had mp3 players in the past and no one has had so many problems as sansa. It’s not only the problem of getting it recognized but also the amount of times it freezes and I can’t even get it on.
The good news though is that I have FINALLY found a way that actually worked this time - and that was to change the USB port. I say “worked this time” because if I know the sansa player correctly - and I think I do - it will soon **bleep** up once again and the solution for the problem will differ, just as it has in the past for me.
Either way - great to have it on, even for a short moment. Merry Christmas to me.