So this problem started almost immediately after I got my clip zip. After shutting down the player and waiting a while the player doesn’t start when the power button is held down (I’ve got plenty of battery charge). I have to experiment with different times holding down the button (performing a reset) as it doesn’t work most of the time. This has happened quite a few times now and it’s slightly annoying.
The player usually powers up fine when connected to a computer, although just now I was about to test that and it did not power up. However it somehow still did connect to the computer, windows said the correct drivers were installed (it shouldn’t do that unless it’s a new usb outlet) and it said I should format a drive to be able to use it. I went to windows disk manager and it showed up as a 4MB drive. At that point I held down the power button for 10 seconds for a reset, pressed it again and it powered up like it should.
This is one weird player.
I believe so, I just bought it a week ago. I’ll send them a message - thanks for the reply.
@duketwicep wrote:
I believe so, I just bought it a week ago. I’ll send them a message - thanks for the reply.
Better to call if you can . . . just sayin’. 
@miikerman wrote:
Couple of further things:
– If the player is only a week old, I might contact the seller for a replacement, _ as SanDisk may send you a refurb rather than a new player. _
I seriously doubt this. SanDisk does not refurb their own players, so they would not have a source for them. A replacement player might not come in retail packaging, but it would be new, not re-furbed.
@miikerman wrote:
Actually, I thought that this was common practice by SanDisk, to send a refurb. And I thought that you even had noted this in earlier posts, advising people to try to seek a replacement from a seller instead of SanDisk, for this very reason . . . . Maybe I’m just mis-recalling–but I’d still go back to the seller, in the first instance.
I don’t recall ever saying this, but it’s possible I could have a long time ago. I’ve said and written a lot of things in my time; it’s impossible to remember them all. 
But I agree, one should always try to resolve the problem with their dealer first.