Clip is connected to PC in Autodetect USB mode. Firmware 01.01.29f.
My Clip is charging about 4 hours from 0% to 70%-80%, then it turns off. It may be connected to PC all night long, but the battery stays 70%-80%. When I reconect Clip or rightclick on Clip icon in My Computer to see the charging progress, Clip starts charging again and it takes about 3 hours to charge from 70%-80% to 100%. What is wrong with my Clip?
Do you see the Sansa Clip in My Computer? If not check your Device Manager to see if the driver errored out. If it has, uninstall it and try again.
If you do not use Autodetect, you can remove one variable. I think it best to change your USB Mode to MSC first. If that works, The player is working well.
You can try MTP mode to see if that works. If Autodetect did not work but MSC did, I’ll guess MTP won’t work.
If nothing else works to charge your player fully, you might exchange it if it is within the store warranty period.