Clip 2gb storage and battery

This is no big deal I suppose and sorry if it’s been said before, but I’ve two minor issues with my new Clip.

When it’s plugged into my laptop and I look at the “internal memory” properties, it says the full capacity is 1.8 gigs rather than 2.

Also, when I look at the “Sansa Clip 2gb” properties, it says the battery is 78% charged even after 3 hours. I left it charging for another hour but it still said 78%.

I’m just wondering if this is normal or if I’ve got a duff one.

Other than that though I’m impressed with it.

@darcal wrote:

This is no big deal I suppose and sorry if it’s been said before, but I’ve two minor issues with my new Clip.


When it’s plugged into my laptop and I look at the “internal memory” properties, it says the full capacity is 1.8 gigs rather than 2.


Also, when I look at the “Sansa Clip 2gb” properties, it says the battery is 78% charged even after 3 hours. I left it charging for another hour but it still said 78%.


I’m just wondering if this is normal or if I’ve got a duff one.


Other than that though I’m impressed with it.

1.8 GB sounds right,  as with hard drives and flash drives and CD’s and DVD’s  things are calculated from base 2.   1KB=1024 Bytes  1M=1024K   1GB=1024MB.     1.8 GB = 1.93 billion bytes.  There is some space used by the Firmware and an database used by the player.

If you didn’t format prior to adding your own songs, you might want to do that and remove any Freebee songs that were on the player.  Then reload your own music.

When you check your battery power, cycle the power on the clip (turn off the clip, wait a second, turn on the clip) and check.   Go to Settings > System Info >  Power%

If this power reads 78%…   Then try charging the clip from an AC adapter or the rear ports on your computer.   It’s possible the voltage from your USB port is not sufficient, or an indication the clip is not reading the power correctly or  the clips battery is lower than expected.

All my clips were capable of charging to 100% (but always check on the clip)  not through windows Explorer/properties…

Thanks for the good advice. :slight_smile:

Yeah you’re right, 2gb on a Clip probably means 2,000,000,000 bytes or something, which is of course less than 2 gigs. So that would explain it.

As for the 78% battery charge, when unplugging the Clip the battery indicator shows as full, so I obviously shouldn’t rely on the properties dialog. I have also got a mains adapter for it though, so I’ll try that aswell if I find it doesn’t play for anywhere near 15 hours.

Thanks again.

On a similar vein, my sansa clip will fully charge to 100%, but will not hold the charge when unplugged from the charger.

I will leave the sansa turned off, unplugged from the charger, and after a day, I recheck and a quarter of the charge has disappated. I updated the firmware to 1.1.32 but it still fails to hold a charge while turned off.

To the contrary, my other clips hold a charge while off without loss.

Any suggestions on what I can do to resolve the loss of charge on my one clip?