With de USB charger there is not a problem, all Ok. Battery Graphic into Sansa goes from black to yellow correctly until this graphic is full.
But when I am using a “AC charger” like compatible Motorola charger or wall USB Adapter my sansa is not charging. That Battery Graphic into Sansa is yellow fixed.
If I recall correctly, the clip needs 200 mA for proper charging.
I like this model from Macally, but it’s a 110v model; are your mains 220v? This model will automatically switch if applied to 220, but you’ll need the wee round pins too.
I’d shy away from the cheesy cheapies out there…I’d hate to imagine a $5 charger failing and killing your sansa.
Message Edited by neutron_bob on 02-11-2008 02:44 PM
Actually I believe an astute member measured it and it was something like 140mA - which is above the “low power USB” level of 100mA.
I’m thinking of verifying that measurement myself (not that I don’t believe it, but I’d like to precisely measure the average and peak currents over time)
Anyway, over 100mA is considered “high power” on the USB bus. Maximum is 500mA and many smart phones have batteries of the same technology and larger in capacity than the Clip, which explains why many users have successfully used their phone charger for the Clip.
EDIT - found the post, it was rwuest who did the measurement here
I might be misunderstanding what you said but it sounds like to me that you are using an AC charger that is not meant for your Sansa. If that is the case, you might want to use a Sansa charger thats compatible with your player. Using any random charger can be dangerous for many reasons. If you need a charger you can visit SummitImage for Sansa accessories. Use couponcode: FREESHIP (for the obvious)
I was hoping to get a response from a SanDisk person, but didn’t.
If the Clip charges ok when plugged into the computer’s USB port, but not with ANY dedicated charger, then I would think something is wrong with the Clip. Although frankly it’s hard to imagine what that defect would be.
If my Clip ever arrives from Amazon (made the mistake of using free shipping), I’m going to test it with a breadboarded circuit which will allow me to set the Data pins to various states, and then measure the actual charging current being drawn. Hopefully that will answer the question of whether the Data pins’ states matter, and if they do, which states work and which do not.
In any case, assuming that even the genuine SanDisk accessory chargers are dumb, then 5V is pretty much 5V, and it shouldn’t matter at all whether it’s a SanDisk charger or not. And if all the Clip draws is 140 ma, it’s hard to imagine a charger that wouldn’t easily produce that much without ripple or sag.
What’s strange is that we have such a variety of experience with these chargers. In several threads here, there are a number of people whose Clips charge on every charger they’ve tried. And yet in this one we have two whose Clips apparently won’t charge on any charger. It’s a mystery. In theory, I think, it shouldn’t matter whether it’s US or European.
Neutron Bob, do you recall where that 200ma. number came from?
Certainly, it’s direct from sansafix. He specified that a charger should be capable of this output, allowing for a wee bit of safety margin. That’s why I recommend the Macally unit…they sell “made for sansa” goodies.
As inexpensive as these things are, I would get a nice one.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
Message Edited by neutron_bob on 02-13-2008 05:31 PM