Can output volume be increased?

Themusic I imported into my Sansa clip does not play loud enough when I listen to it, even the volume control is all the way up. Is there a way to increase the volume higher, either in the player and/or changinf the volume on “my music” files then re-importing to Sansa clip?

Have you tried the “high” setting in Settings>Volume?

You can try something like mp3gain, I haven’t played with it much and when I did it didn’t seem to do what I wanted but I didn’t try that hard.

Mikerman, you and I posted at the same time, your message wasn’t there as I typed. At least we agree. My time here is 12:50pm and my previous post is around 9:30am so I guess times are converted to GMT.

I increase the volume of my FLAC files in Adobe Audition if necessary - I believe Audacity which is free can also do this, and I also use 112db headphones, which cost £4.99 in Tescos and make the music very loud indeed.

Message Edited by uncleboko on 10-11-2009 01:24 PM

I have used mp3gain with great success. It really works but you might have to play around with it a bit. I had a couple of songs that I had downloaded from Youtube and converted to mp3. They sounded totally muffled and I thought lost. But mp3 gain worked amazingly well. I cannot say enough good things about it.