I have a 8 gig Sansa Clip with the newest firmware, and for me the player is still too loud on the lowest volume level with InEar-headphones on actual, highly compressed recordings. It would be great if you could add an additional “low” volume-preset. On older recordings the volume ist perfect. I don’t wat to process all my files on the player with mp3gain, and i don’t want to use an impedance-adapter.
Best regards,
Shure ;-)! But this Setting only affects the maximum volume.
you can set a custom equalizer with all the bars down to minmum. that will lower the volume.
Will that lower the complete Volume in a linear way or does the equalizer just affect some frequency bands?
It would only take you a few seconds to try.
Go to custom EQ and lower each bar to the bottom.
I have already tried it and it sounds okay - thanks for the idea!
But I’m still not shure, if it lowers the volume linear. Does anyone know that?
Best regards,
The normal/high doesn’t change anything. When you put it to “normal” it simply puts a cap on the max.
If that doesn’t give you a low enough volume, try getting a pair of earphones with 32 ohm impedance. They’re out there.
Message Edited by Theodolite on 06-09-2009 05:41 AM
Thanks for your answer. Do you know any good 32 ohm in-ear headphones?
I’ve had this same problem also. The easiest thing to do would be to buy a pair of headphones with a volume control built in. But, hopefully, when Sansa releases a frimware update it will lower the volume some. (I don’t know if that is possible, but it seems like it should be pretty easy.)