I figured it out. You have to use Windows Media Player and make a “playlist”.
Add the audio book files into the playlist, arrange them however you want, then save the playlist.
Maybe name the playlist “audio books”.
Then sync the playlist with your sansa, just like you would any other music playlist.
I just tested by creating a playlist with a few audio book files and arranged them how I wanted.
I saved it and sync’ed it up with my device.
Under Music\playlists, I have a playlist called Audio Books and there are the 3 files I put in there.
Check it out
To make a playlist:
1st! update Windows Media Player to version 11. I’ve been working on a work computer, had version 9 installed.
Then watch this video
After watching the video, I was able to do what the person was saying but still nothing came up.
After reading more “playlist” post’s, I caught onto people talking about MTP mode vs. MSC mode.
I’ve been tinkering around with these modes all along but now for some reason, my computer is indeed showing the device in 2 different ways when connected to the computer, when before only MTP mode showed the device (via windows explorer)
If the sansa device shows up as a drive letter (via windows explorer) like…Sansa Clip (E), it won’t work.
Disconnect it and set the setting to MTP, now re-connect the device.
Now when I look at it via windows Explorer, I see a cute little device and it says: Sansa Clip 4GB, as opposed to an actualy drive letter. (and the file structure looks completly different then when it’s connected via MSC mode)
Now do what the video says and it should work.