audiblebook on podcast


I have downloaded an audiblebook to my MP3 sansa fuze +, it has landed in the podcast, and is requireing me to activate my device in order to hear the book.

How does one go about activating the device, for the podcast part of my MP3 player?

I have another book that is audible on my MP3 player and it works fine. Is there a way to move the audiblebook from the podcast to the music part? That is where my other book is, it’s in the music part.

Why don’t you just move it to the Audiobooks folder on your player? You can drag & drop (or copy & paste) it just like any other folder or file while connected to your computer.

Why don’t you just move it to the Audiobooks folder on your player? You can drag & drop (or copy & paste) it just like any other folder or file while connected to your computer.

And btw, this is the Announcements board of the forum. If you have any other questions about the Fuze+, you probably will want to post them in the Fuze+ board for greater exposure. :wink:

From the Instructions:

4.1. Loading Audio Files (Music, Podcasts, Audiobooks)

You can transfer music, playlists, podcasts, or audiobooks from your computer to the player

using the drag-and-drop method or using music management software such as Windows

Media® Player. Specific audiobook files from require Audible Manager to

transfer to your player.

I’ve never tried an audiblebook, I assume the process is similar to using Overdrive, where you have to transfer the audiobooks to the Fuze+ using the Overdrive console. Because they are DRM protected, you can’t just drag them across and drop them onto the Fuze.

As far as I know, audiblebooks should go into the Audible folder on your Fuze+. If the Audible Manager is like the Overdrive Console, you can select the folder you want to transfer to once it has deteted your Fuze+.

Audiobooks in other formats should be placed straight into the Podcasts folder on your Fuze+, (not the Audiobooks folder), they will show up in a Books folder on the Fuze’s top level menu. If they are not DRM protected, you can drag and drop them from your computer to the Podcasts folder.

I’ve just noticed the dates on the first two posts - what happened?

@alanj wrote:

I’ve just noticed the dates on the first two posts - what happened?

They were just moved by the mod from the Announcements board where they were originally posted back in May.

Ah, I see. Thank you Tapeworm. I hope Paula has solved her problem by now.