Is there something special I need to do for the Clip to recognize the title and author of audiobooks? Mine just scrolls the .aa file’s filename for the title and shows “unknown” for the author.
I’m just manually copying the .aa files over using explorer…maybe that has something to do with it. I had a lot of trouble with both Rhapsody and Media Player 11. Do I need to use a special directory name for audiobooks?
Ouch! Are you downloading your files with the Audible Manager? All you need do at this point is set up the Audible Manager to synchronize with your Sansa, and you’re done! One click, 3 seconds per book.
If you have downloaded the Audible Manager for Windows Media Player, I’ll let you in on the hot ticket.
Get rid of it.
Simple, huh? Go back to the download page at, and load the stand-alone Audible Manager client. It has more cool features than I can list here, including a library function, plus a book player, with multiple bookmarks (you can pepper the screen with lots of little red arrows).
The best function is your Clip will show at the bottom of the screen, with your loaded books listed. If you roll the mouse over them, it shows the exact time where you left off.
Nix the drag and drop, just use the standalone version.
As a footnote, WiMP will get mad at you, and won’t want to play them. You cannot handle audiobooks with both versions loaded on your pc, as WiMP tries to redo everything the way it likes to. So, go with the other version of Audible Manager, and enjoy the simplicity.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
I tried this but it gives me an unreadable error about transferring. I updated the software on both my clip and my pc.
You mentioned the .aa format, which is the proprietary Audible audio book format.
Where are your audio books from? If they’re simply mp3 audio book files, they can be handled in the new audiobook / podcast folder in the upcoming firmware release (testing). The genre of these files will need to be set to podcast or audiobook.
If you have an account with Audible, the Audible manager handles the transfer of the books directly to the book folder as long as the player is authorized. This transfer is a DRM one requiring MTP mode.
Thanks guys. I can’t believe I actually forgot that I could just use AudiblePlayer to sync my audiobooks. I’ve been through a number of devices during my 8 year Audible membership, but had a Nano for the last 2 which only uses iTunes. I will gladly return to using a non-horrible software package.
Thanks again,