Hi, I am getting the same error message, and I just bought new one. After downloading from the stick it asked for password and this error came up. Kindly suggest what to do is the new stick is corrupted.
If the drive is new, ie it has none of your files on it, delete all the files and folders on the drive, download the update to the drive and run it. You don’t need to format the drive to remove the few SecureAccess files on it.
I have a SanDisk Ultra USB3.0 Flash Drive 32 GB. It worked well for a long time. When I opened it this morning a pop-up appeared that there was a new software updated available. I downloaded it and now when I click"SanDisk SecuredAccess _Win" and enter the password. it Says "A vault from a previous version was detected" " Failour reading the file Systemsfile (err=1)".
I just bought a new SanDisk Ultra Fit usb 3.0 flash drive. I put it into my think pad running win 10. Run the exe file, it did not want to update then it did not want my password. The deleting of all files and putting in a downloaded program SanDiskSecureAccessV3_win.exe made a difference. And now it is working. Thnx.
Longer version:
I run the SanDiskSecureAccessV3.1_win.exe file. It wanted to update. I said OK. It did not manage to update.I tried 3x but it did not work so I cancelled the update and the program opened. It wanted a password. I put in a password that I’d like to use in the future and clicked OK. I got the message: Failure reading filesystems file (err=1).
I thought maybe the update could fix that (since it said it would fix some bugs).And tried updating from the program itself but that did not work either.
And tried the solution proposed there: If the drive is new, ie it has none of your files on it, delete all the files and folders on the drive, download the update to the drive and run it. You don’t need to format the drive to remove the few SecureAccess files on it.
I had the same issue! I have some very important files that I cant access now for some reason. Today I get prompted to update the software, now my files are gone when I open the application.
I had moved all parts of the application into one folder on the disk to clean up and simplify; SanDisk SecureAccess (file folder), SanDiskSecureAccess Settings (file folder), SanDiskSecureAccess Vault (file folder), and Private Access Only (application), then after the update some new folders popped up inside my drive and I stuck them in the folder and replaced the files to no avail. The application still wasn’t functioning.
I still have the original SanDiskSecureAccess Vault file with my original files on it. Is there any way to revert back to the older version of the application so that I might access it? Some other solution perhaps?
Personally I think moving the secure applications files and folders around was a BAD idea. Whether moving them back to their original locations will help at this point I don’t know.
Might be better to either 1. delete all files and folder and use the drive as a normal flash drive or 2. delete all files and folders, redownload SecureAccess, copy it to the flash drive and start all over. As for your files, readd them to the drive after doing 1. or 2.