Someone please help, i have added music to my brand new sandusk clip jam but ut is not showing up in music section under artist/album/songs and i cant shuffle music either.All music is showing under a standard folder that just says folder.why w
Hi @iains21,
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the SD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:
I have found out the issue, i have some songs in itunes M4a format that the device will not read, once these are remove all other music shows in music menu
I use win.10. with data micro usb lead. Format jam fat32. Also same for data card.
Say you have MP3 file on usb drive. Hoping pc recognise both media. Open twice file explorer. Create folder at San disk internal Highlight the MP3 files you want to paste to Sandisk folder or right click menu appears and click copy to a file on drive then click copy to folder on internal memory on Sandisk MP3 player.
Test file transfered to Sandisk MP3 player folder on pc.
I do this every time I need new files to my click jam. This is ok for me.
Hi. Ok, hopefully. Just reply if not having any success. Try to help out.