Wow, your questions encompass a few areas, but let’s have a go at it.
The next firmware release date is dependent upon many factors, findings, the input from the field (all of us here), production variations and tolerances, bug reports, cool things found working with the code, sorting out glitches in simulation versus each revision, running various audio formats through their paces and seeing how the Fuze performs…
Did I miss anything? Ah yes, interoffice memos, meeting schedules, rumors about the water cooler (a great source of ideas), endless e-mails, feedback from Support, nicely tabulated statistical reports showing the target areas for updating, the outside weather, where the basketball was left yesterday, all these factors affect the firmware release.
A video bookmark is handy, in addition to the current position / from beginning option, but I haven’t tried figuring a playlist into the picture. It’s simple to select the videos in sequence, giving your eyes a wee break, I would think.
Yes, the µSDHC standard which is supported runs up to 32GB, but a firm release date depends upon many things I have no idea of, like the minutiae of production, or the crystal ball locked away in Marketing.
The best advice I can give regarding the large capacity 16GB cards is to load the latest firmware, after backing up your music and video, then format the Fuze using the resident Format command. (Settings > System Settings > Format > Yes) This will allow your Fuze to build a new complete database framework for 8000 song capacity. It only has to be done once. Note, you MUST use the resident command on the Fuze itself, not Windows.
I have been actively playing (pardon the pun) with video formats and codecs in quest of the Holy Grail. I have found no solutions from the Castle Anthrax or even via shrubberies procured for the Knights of Ni. Yet the solution remains on the other side of the Pit of Eternal Peril, I am afraid. The predominating problem with synchronization is a combination of the many different codecs available. The errors I see are present before transfer to the device, often when using the same format as the SMC will build for the Sansa. The Rhapsody 4 client will also build video for the Fuze or the e200 series (v2) device, often with little sync error (under 200ms) but it’s painfully slow.
I love a challenge.
Bob :smileyvery-happy: