I have an Acer Aspire 5745G laptop that can read SDHC and a brand new LG optimus that can also read SDHC.
I removed the stock SDHC 2GB micro card from the LG optimus and replaced it with a Sandisk 8GB micro card from my old phone.
I downloaded a few things to the Sandisk 8GB card and then removed it from the new phone, placed it into an adapter, and plugged it into my computer. I did not unmount it before doing this which probably screwed things up.
Anyways I edited a few files on the 8GB card, added some songs, then placed the card back into my phone. I got an error message saying “card is damaged”. I tried to reformat (I hit “Format”) but nothing happens. I also tried to mount the card, and nothing happens. So the phone detects that something is there but is unable to do anything.
I removed the card and place it back into my computer but the card isn’t even recognizable. Well, for brief weird moments it is (one time I ejected the CD tray and the drive that the SDHC card was on was visible for like 3 seconds) but overall I can’t get it to show up. It doesn’t show up under My Compupter > Manage > Disk Management.
I guess I screwed it up when I ejected it without unmounting. Is there anything that can detect screwed up cards like this and allow you to just start over? I don’t care about the data. Thanks
*edit: Also, I have hidden files & folders visible
Also I have hidden files & folders visible
Anybody have any ideas? Any way to start from scratch?
I am having the same exact problem with the same exact memory card and phone. I have over 400 pictures on my card and hope it is recoverable.
I also have the same problem with my 4GB SDHC card. This is what I found:
"SD and SDHC compliance
If your computer’s internal card reader works with 2GB (or lower) SD cards but fails to read a 4GB (or higher) SDHC card, then the computer’s internal reader is not SDHC compliant.
This same logic also applies to digital cameras, if the digital camera reads 2GB (or lower) SD cards but fails to read a 4GB (or higher) SDHC card, then the digital camera is not SDHC compliant.
SD and SDHC specifications
The initial SD card specification defined the interface for cards only up to 2GB capacity. The subsequent SDHC specification was developed to provide increased capacity of 4GB – 32GB cards. Computers and other products purchased before 2008 may not be SDHC compatible. Computers and other products purchased before 2007 are not SDHC compatible.
Verifying the card reader slot
If the card reader slot on your computer does not have the SDHC logo, it is most likely not SDHC compatible and will only read cards up to 2GB capacity.
Other options you can use to read files on your SDHC card
If your computer’s card reader is not SDHC compatible, you have 3 options available:
You can connect your camera (or other device) that works with SDHC to your computer using a USB cable that came with the camera. You should be able to transfer files to the computer this way.
You can contact you computer manufacturer to see if they have a free firmware update for your model that will make it SDHC compatible
You can buy inexpensive SanDisk SDHC card readers that will connect to your computer’s USB port."
I am having this same problem and have tried to read the card on a compatible computer using the adapter. I was able to use the card both with the phone and adapter before and now nothing is happening. No one has posted a real solution to this problem. I did not improperly unmount or remove the card prior to it having problems. Other microsd cards work on both the phone and computer with no problem. I too do not want to loose my data but it seems that there is no choice and the card is done.
Several people have posted similar complaints this winter. Could the problem be cause by the cold? Everything was fine until I went out during the coldest day of winter so far. Can someone post a real solution or explination and start with the problem being with the card and not with the user?
My phone is an HTC Evo Shift. The 8gb microsdhc card was purchased and installed at the same time as the phone. I was able to read the card on the phone and computer, through both the phone as a usb device and through the adapter, with no problem for several months until this past Saturday. I have reformated the phone. The card can’t be read on any operating system, so I can’t even reformat.
Is there a batch of defective cards out there? Is there a virus or other malware destroying cards? I have had the card for about 4 months, it is hard to believe that the card can be corrupted that easily or quickly. There must be an explination.