2GB FM Radio not working

I have had this device for 5 days now.  Within the first 3 days, it would not turn on for some time and took some tinkering to get it to work.  On the fourth day, the FM radio stopped working.  It worked when I turned it off, I went to turn it on and it didn’t work.  I see the stations, and everything on the screen, but no sound.  If I try to listen to mp3’s I can hear fine, just nothing in FM radio mode.  I have tried different earphones and such to no avail (which I knew wasn’t the issue, but was trying to be thorough).

I tried resetting the device with the instructins from the FAQ area, but it doesn’t reset.  I also tried to update the firmware, but now can’t get the computer to recognize the device.

Can someone help me please?  I really like the thing, but this is nuts!

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.


It could be that the radio is “paused”. You can press the Up button to restart it. It had me fooled once too. :wink:

You can pause the radio?  Interesting, I guess that would be like…mute?

This issue is now resolved.

Thanks so much for the info!


macinslaw just had a


       moment! :smileyvery-happy:

(I wondered what that noise was!)

Thank you for solving my problem, too. Happened twice in first several weeks of owning the Clip; I was mystified each time. The “up” button did the trick.

It’s such an elegant mp3 player. Sansa should provide a more thorough manual, either in the box or online or both.

Just encountered this very problem. Was utterly mystified till I read the solution on this thread. Thanks for the good info.

(I would question the usefulness of the “pause” button in the Radio function. Sandisk might be well advised to take this button ouf of commission when the Radio is selected.)

@kd70_roundy wrote:

Just encountered this very problem. Was utterly mystified till I read the solution on this thread. Thanks for the good info.


(I would question the usefulness of the “pause” button in the Radio function. Sandisk might be well advised to take this button ouf of commission when the Radio is selected.)

It can be useful. Say you pause it to answer the phone, and talk for awhile…what if you forget the radio is playing? It will keep going until the battery dies. If you paused it, then after your preset power-down time, it will shut off, saving your battery. :wink:

I had this issue on my 4GB Sansa Clip, which I LOVE by the way.  Radio played when new and then I went to the gym and wouldn’t ya know it, no radio!  Even after reading this thread, I had to press all the buttons to figure it out and now it works PERFECT!

How will I know if the radio is paused, you may ask. 

If the radio is OFF (or PAUSED), you will see a SQUARE under the radio frequency.  An ARROW means the radio should play.  To turn the radio ON or OFF, press the PLAY/PAUSE button.

Hope this helps!

I have the 4MB and have tried to press the up button, but still no luck.  Should it play when the speaker is red or when there is a green play button?

I have gone through 3 clips in two months.  I bought the 2G model, but really don’t listen to much Mp3 music.  I actually bought it because I enjoy the FM feature.  All three stopped playing FM functionality within two weeks of purchase.  I read the above reply, but do not understand pause feature.  What is pause feature, and how do I get the FM to work on my clip(s)…

Thank you,

PS you can send response to johnlegresley@rogers.com

With the FM radio selected, the play / pause button functions as a “mute” for the audio.

Try pressing the play button.
