EDIT (1 Oct '10): see post #30 for info about Sandisk tech support investigating these problems.
EDIT: new info. By waiting a while and re-pressing the Play button to refresh the screen due to very sluggish response, I was able to scroll to the Songs screen under Music. However, there it shows 9,691 songs (vs. 9,737 shown in Info). I scrolled up to the asterisk to Shuffle All and pressed Play, but it’s now unresponsive again. Is this perhaps a corrupted database, tag problem or something else I can fix?
Original posting:
I just received my 16Gb Fuze+ yesterday (shipped with the latest firmware) and added my 32Gb uSDHC (Sandisk brand) expansion card, for a nominal total of 48Gb. My music collection is about 38Gb, so this is the flash capacity I’ve been waiting for, at long last, to carry my entire collection.
I have loaded, reformatted, reloaded, reformatted and reloaded again - but every time I’m finished the Fuze+ just falls to its knees and quits.
I’m loading 38,285Mb (37.38Gb), 9,737 songs, 1,413 artists, 813 albums, no playlists, no photos, no videos, no podcasts, no audiobooks or anything else but 100% 128Kb WMA-ripped (no DRM) music files. I have ripped my entire CD collection exactly the same way and have spent a lot of time cleaning it up.
Once the files are loaded, the unit takes about 10-15 minutes “Loading card” to rebuild the database after disconnecting from USB and eventually goes to the main Music screen. I can scroll to the Card and Settings screens (I turned off all the others) and examine the Info subscreen under Settings.
If I select Music though, it takes about 15 seconds to bring up a new screen of Artists. If I then swipe left to go to Albums it takes another 15-20 seconds. If I try to go to Songs, or do anything else, it does nothing for about 20 seconds, then the screen goes black and I have to press Power for 20 seconds to do a reset, then wait 20 minutes for it to rebuild everything all over again. If I try playing the first music track before trying to move on, it will play (with sluggish response to pad presses), but will usually crash soon after if I try skipping to the next track or returning to a different menu.
Just now, after moving up one level back to the Artist list, I swiped up and up through the alphabet - when it got to the B’s all of a sudden it jumped down to the D’s!
It gives every indication of being completely overwhelmed and unable to manage the data I’ve loaded.
As I said, after the first failure I reformatted and reloaded everything; several hours later it did exactly the same thing. After a third time and more hours wasted (with the same results) I’m done messing with this thing.
I have between 1.4 and 6Gb free on both internal and card memory and as far as I can tell I’m not exceeding the published specs.
So, what’s up? Has Sandisk even tested this device running at max-spec capacity with their own SDHC card? Anybody else trying to load this much music with successful results?
I’m starting to think Zune, but would rather get this one running than return it.
Thanks, gang.
P.S. Not at all crazy about the new touchpad interface; the Fuze v1/2 clickwheel is a MUCH better, faster and more-accurate control scheme. I hope this dumb touch fad dies soon.