Just wanted to post that I was having major issues with my SanDisk Sansa Clip+ including…
player turning on and music starting, but no screen
screen randomly disappearing (going black) and appearing
music stopping
player not turning on at all
I did the reset option (hold the power button for 30 seconds) and it would occasionally help. I formatted the memory (using the option in settings) then tried switching the mode… no luck. Then it stopped responding all together, not even connecting to computer worked.
I was able to get it connected to computer AND running properly by doing the following…
1.) Press and hold the large center button on the front AND connect the USB cable while holding the button down. This forces MSC mode.
2.) Visit the following thread… http://forums.sandisk.com/t5/Clip-Clip/Sansa-Clip-Firmware-Update-01-02-15/td-p/150227 and download the Sansa Firmware Updater
3.) Run the “exe” file and it should recognize your player and begin downloading new firmware. The version on my Clip+ was 01.02.09. It downloaded a ~21 MB file and installed in on my player automatically
4.) Once the process is complete, the program will tell you to disconnect your player. Do this WITHOUT exiting the updater and WITHOUT turning off your player.
5.) Your player should say that it is updating the firmware… mine did this then went black again
6.) Turn your player back on and cross your fingers… it should work!
Since doing this, my player works like new! Hope this helps someone.
Best of luck!