I’ve been using U3 applications for a while now. But… Where did all the U3 apps go?
I’m not sure why it never really caught on, or why it’s being allowed to fade into obsurity. I like having a small set of micro Apps and utilities to carry with me and would love to know where to find new ones. So, aside from just doing some Google research, does anyone know of a website that offers centralized distribution of U3 apps?
I’m particularly interested in recovering some of the free software I downloaded from U3 Central a while back.
Thanks greyfalcon, but I’ve been there. While there are a few interesting apps (some I already have!), the number of offerings is pityfull compared to what was once registered to the original U3 Software website. Where is Veoh, for example, or Foxit Reader? And, where are the commercial products?
It seems to me the industry is burying the little OS that could.
I am the owner and admin of U3Applications.com. I am sorry that my selection is not what U3.com’s was, but you can always request any apps you wish. The reason my selection is limited is that this is a one-man volunteer show. I have to support myself, so I can’t spend 24 hours a day on it. However, I do my best to keep all my users happy, so if you would like to see an app added to my small (but growing!) collection, please request it.
Note: I cannot add or maintain non-free apps, due to all the licensing and payment issues.
@Eulipian I have found a U3 version of Foxit Reader. Unfortunately, it is only v.3.0, but it is better than nothing, right? You can find it at http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/u3/. Also, I will try to make a U3 version of Foxit Reader myself, based on Foxit v.4.3, though I cannot guarantee anything. As to Veoh, I can’t make that one due to licensing issues.