WD External Hard drive not recognized

I have a My passport 1TB External. I’m on Windows 7 x32. After I updated I’ve been getting a lot of bugs and extreme lag.  I have to restart my PC everytime so I can renter the External. I then installed all WD software from the Control Panel, didn’t change anything or help at all.

I have no clue what to do or what has happened, but my External HD is pretty much useless right now. I have very important files on there, I need to get access to this immediately.

Please help!

EDIT: Now my PC has trouble recognizing the External. I tried it on my Laptop also, it doesn’t show anything. It shows up under disk management sometimes. For example it’ll show up then simply disappear.



My external HD will not appear under DISK MANAGEMENT. I don’t know if the USB cable that connects the External to my PC is bad or not? My external was working an hour before all this happened, so I don’t understand what is happening?



It is showing in Disc drives



Also, when I click on “Devices and Printers”, an icon appears with “My passport 0730”. This is what is shows.**


My External does light up when plugged into my PC and turns off when removed. I can hear a ticking sound which sounds like the HD working? I tried to change the drive names & tried to format but there is no use.

I kindly request you help me to fix the problem asap. I have very important data in this disc and no back also. Kindly suggest me how to get rid of this issue.  

I am having a similar issue as well with my 1 TB My Passport but I use a computer that runs x64 Windows 7. I’ve only had it for about 3 months (it was a Chrismas present form my parents) and I’m getting frustrated.

When I try to access the drive through Disc Management but it is labeled as not initialized and when I try to do so, I get an I/O Device error.

Make sure you are not using a cable longer than the one supplied or connect through a hub. If the drive is still in warranty contact WD they’ll probably send you a new cable.


Tried that but still the same result. All ready contacted WD about this issue but all I got was this:

“Attachments added to case must be less than 5MB. Please note: Attachments of type .EXE will not be reviewed.”

Is this because I didn’t attach anything to my case?

EDIT: I think my drive is just dying because I ran a SMART status with WD Drive Ultilities and it said that the SMART status failed.