As a loing time and happy Fuze owner, overall I have to say the + is very dissapointing.
AAC support : The only aspect of the plus which is a step forward is the AAC support.However I would much rather pay Sansa for a software upgrade for my Fuze than buy a plus.
Standard USB port: That’s an improvement.
Touch Pad : Shame about losing the scroll wheel, which I much prefer to the touch pad. I find it much easier to spin the wheel with my thumb in an easy natural circular motion then the up down motion required with the touch pad. The plus scrolling also looks very slow and laggy, and I can imagine in advance the frustration of constantly overshooting and undershooting the thing you are trying to select. Why go backwards? Fashion?
SDXC support: I’m guessing SDXC was left off owing to lack of SDXC support on the commonly available SOC’s. This is a real shame considering that SDHC maxes out at 32Gigs and cards of these size are already on sale.
Removeable battery: Still no easy way to replace the battery. When the battery goes, so does the player. More land fill. Its about time Governments legislated to force manufacturers to take steps to stop wasting our precious limited resources. Our children’s children might like to use MP3 players too.
Large screen: Do people really want to watch video on these tiny screens? Why?
Larger size: Well it’s not a lot bigger, but I see no advantage to making it bigger, and obviously its too do with the larger screen. If you can use it in landscape mode, then this might be a small advantage. Still for me I’d rather have the smaller size.
If Sansa offered me an AAC capable software upgrade for my Fuze for $20 i’d pay it. Even though I really want a player with AAC support, there are too many negative aspects to the plus to interest me as an upgrade. Only if the sound quality was astounding would I be tempted to buy it.