After plugging the USB drive into my computer, I noticed that the total available space is 115gb. I know that I won’t get 128gb showing (I’m quite familiar with computers, thank you), however another 128gb USB drive that I got yields 119gb of space. Even doing the math shows I should be getting 119gb of space.
Is there a hidden ‘partition’ of sorts that is taking up the additional space? If so, is there a way to recover that missing space? I know that with the U3 drives, there was a way to disable the built-in security to turn it into a regular flash drive. I’m wondering if there is something similar going on here, where there is something extra that is intended to be a feature that some may appreciate and make use of, but could be uninstalled to add to the rest of the flash drive.
I am also wondering, regardless of if the space can be recovered or not, what is it used/reserved for? I have a few SanDisk products and am aware of the quality provided, so I don’t believe this to be a defect, which leads me to believe that it’s by design. So I’m wondering what the purpose is (and as stated above, how to recover the missing space).