Okay, I guess Sandisk shouldn’t rush the updates, and test them very thoroughly before they are released. Many were very disappointed with the last Fuze update. What do I want in a new firmware for the Clip+?
Resume audiobook and resume podcast menu choices and variable speed playback with pitch correction(user selectable from half to double speed). I am not holding my breath for the variable speed playback with pitch correction. Being able to play untagged podcasts in folder mode, play some music, turn off the player, then having the player easily resume the podcast without my having to remember which podcast file was playing last is important to me. Variable speed playback with pitch correction is also important to me. I realize that it was stated that it is not easy to program this for the Fuze and Clip+, however this is so important for many that imo it is well worth the effort. Many people use an mp3 player for lectures, podcasts, or audiobooks, and some speakers speak much too slowly, while others speak too fast.
The new Clip+ does have the resume feature for podcasts, plus the podcast order has been corrected to follow them chronologically.
Once a podcast file has been opened and playback begins, a rolling bookmark for the podcast is stored automatically. If you press the << button briefly, the Clip+ will zip over to the previous podcast at the bookmark point instead of at the beginning.
To resume playback with the option of resume from beginning / resume from current position, press the submenu botton at the bottom, then select Back To Podcasts. By manually selecting a podcast, the start options will be available.
The new Clip+ does have the resume feature for podcasts, plus the podcast order has been corrected to follow them chronologically.
Once a podcast file has been opened and playback begins, a rolling bookmark for the podcast is stored automatically. If you press the << button briefly, the Clip+ will zip over to the previous podcast at the bookmark point instead of at the beginning.
To resume playback with the option of resume from beginning / resume from current position, press the submenu botton at the bottom, then select Back To Podcasts. By manually selecting a podcast, the start options will be available.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
I believe that what JK98 is referring to is being able to recall multiple bookmarks, like if one was to have more than one podcast/audiobook that was only partially listened to. Never been an issue for me, but he listens to a lot more of them than I do. :wink:
There is an individual stop point or bookmark stored for each individual podcast. If you play back a group of podcasts partially on each episode, you can zap between each podcast, and playback defaults to the stop point of each 'cast.
This feature is nice, as playback resumes at a familiar point in each episode.
The quirk with this new implementation is if you wish to start at the beginning of the currently queued file, since a brief tap of the rewind button zips to the previous file. To resume the current podcast at the beginning, the submenu key is the way to get there, and the option of resume from start.
Message Edited by neutron_bob on 11-08-2009 11:32 AM
You missed the point of my post. I want a resume feature which remembers which podcast or audiobookbook file was played last, even if it was played in folder mode, then some music files played before the player was turned off. I want the resume function to resume the podcast or audiobook file last played, and to resume the playback mode(either by folder or by album). I should not have to remember which podcast album was last played, and which file within it was playing last. I want this to work even if the podcasts were being played in folder mode. I don’t want to have to navigate back through the podcast section to resume the podcast playback. I want a function available just by clicking the button at 6 oclock then selecting resume podcast that takes care of all the details.
I see. The Rhapsody Channels on the e200 / Fuze manu shows a wee icon next to the last played channel. I agree, this would be a welcome addition to Podcasts / Audiobooks. For the Clip / Clip+, it would have to be an icon as opposed to a font change.
Update 1735 9/8/09 Hey, I have noticed that the podcast playback on the Clip+ does, when returning from music playback, return with the last played podcast highlighted. For example, playing music, I press Music > Podcasts and the last 'cast I was playing is already highlighted.
Message Edited by neutron_bob on 11-09-2009 05:38 PM