I have recently replaced my trustly and beloved Sansa Clip+ (which died, RIP) with a Sansa Clip Zip. I use my Sansa almost exclusively for listening to podcasts. I’m getting to grips with the Sansa Clip Zip.
One essential feature I had on the Sansa Clip+ was the ‘Resume Playback’. This allowed me to resume playing a podcast that I had previously stopped mid-way. How do I get the Clip Zip to facilitate resume playback? When I return to a partially played podcast on the Sansa Clip Zip it begins playing from the start of the podcast which is frustrating.
You may have found the answer by now but I find that if I pause the podcast playback before shutting the player off if remembers the place and asks if I want to resume or start again.
My Clip+ suddenly stopped resuming playback for podcasts. I tried resetting to factory defaults as well as the hard reset by holding down the power button for more than 20 seconds.
Eventually I copied all the files to my computer and re-formatted the device. Resume Playback has returned!
When the player makes a data connection with a pc, it will lose the resume location. So if keeping the resume location is important to you, then charge the player using a cell phone charger. Make sure the charger says 5 volts on it.
I can’t find any relation between putting files on my Clip+ via PC and the complete loss of the Resume Playback option. I have mine connected almost daily and Resume just disappeared yesterday.
Thanks so much for posting your experience, ehsande! My Sansa Clip+ also suddenly (a few days ago) lost its ability to resume playback. I thought it was the recent firmware update that messed it up, but (as you noted) factory reset didn’t restore this feature. I was getting very frustrated when I came across your post. Just formated my Clip+, as you suggested. That did the trick. Whew!