Songs total not correct

Have 2gb and 8gb clip with the same music at this time. Both showed 981 songs total. I organize and tag my music folder by having the Artist and Album name and tag the same and the songs in the artist folders. OK up to now. I just added 3 folders and 26 songs. The folder total shows 81 now instead of 78 as I added 3 folders.

but the song total is now NOT 981 + 26 =1007, but shows as 920…LESS than before I added 26 songs and 3 folders. Of course I didnt open every folder and count them, but WHY did the total songs show as much less than were there before? I add 26 songs and now have 61 less than I STARTED with.

Anybody know what is going on here?

I have the USB set so it appears as an ordinary drive, F:\ and G:.

No real problems in the function but cant understand the total song count. Always correct up to now for whenever I added I watched the total.

Good. No replies. For there really is no problem. I removed and added back the folders, studied the music and played with numbers, and finally concluded I must have had a dyslexic episode when i read the initial song total. I had no notes to prove it but found if i read 891 as 981, added 3 songs=894, then added 26 more songs it would give a total of 920. Since it provides a logical explanation I have to assume that is what happened. Sorry - my own unfortunate mistake.

Maybe you shoulda used one of these:

@bbrev7 wrote:
Good. No replies. For there really is no problem. I removed and added back the folders, studied the music and played with numbers, and finally concluded I must have had a dyslexic episode when i read the initial song total. I had no notes to prove it but found if i read 891 as 981, added 3 songs=894, then added 26 more songs it would give a total of 920. Since it provides a logical explanation I have to assume that is what happened. Sorry - my own unfortunate mistake.

I’m glad you found it, because I was stumped.

Tapeworm - Thanks , giving it some serious thought. Guess anything over 2 digits present a challenge.