Just bought a Fuze. Using it in a car with earphone jack going to an FM modulator to transmit through FM car radio.
I have not upgraded Firmware yet, and from other posts I am reading this may solve my problem, which is:
When I play MP3s(which I ripped from CDs) many tracks will stop and start throughout the track (only about a 1 second stop and start, but very annoying)
I plan on doing a firmware upgrade, and then a hard reset, tonight. I read in other posts that when I do a hard reset I also need to select “rest of the world” so I get high level volume output.
Should I have high expectations that this FW upgrade and hard reset will fix the stop-start issue during playback or are there other suggestions I should look at as well?
The headphone jack in a new Fuze is very tight. Twist the plug when you put it in to make sure it’s making a connection. Skips will probably disappear.
I know it seems elementary, but this has happened to lots of new Fuze users, including me.
Should I have high expectations that this FW upgrade and hard reset will fix the stop-start issue during playback or are there other suggestions I should look at as well?
I too, doubt that it will help. Check the earphone plug, twisting it a bit while trying to get it to seat completely in the jack like BR suggested. If the ‘skips’ continue, than I’d be looking at the possibility of bad rips from the CD’s. What program? What settings? What format? Did you have any other programs running at the same time that could have overloaded your systems causing the ripping program to blank out occasionally? Is your CD drive failing? Stuff like that.
Should I have high expectations that this FW upgrade and hard reset will fix the stop-start issue during playback or are there other suggestions I should look at as well?
I too, doubt that it will help. Check the earphone plug, twisting it a bit while trying to get it to seat completely in the jack like BR suggested. If the ‘skips’ continue, than I’d be looking at the possibility of bad rips from the CD’s. What program? What settings? What format? Did you have any other programs running at the same time that could have overloaded your systems causing the ripping program to blank out occasionally? Is your CD drive failing? Are the CD’s scratched or skipping? Stuff like that.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will try the earphone jack route first, since it is obviously the easiest.
I thought of bad ripping too, but I have copied the same MP3 files to MP CDs, which play fine, and to SDHC cards in another MP3 player, which aslo play fine.
Pretty much unrelated, but once you get used to the great sound quality of the Fuze with good earbuds, headphones or stereo system, using the FM device in the car will probably lead to frustration. The ones I have used have pretty poor sound quality with exagerated “hissy” high-end and vey attenuated bottem end. Wish there was some gadget to sip into a CD player giving you and AUX input. I’ve looked at modifying my stereo to get n AUX in, and have decided it’s not worth the risk of doing the mod. Plus, you have to play a “silent” CD when using your hacked AUX in.
Good luck figuring out the “stutter”. Let us know what happens.
I did go ahead and update the firmware, but I don’t think that helped. Probably didn’t hurt though. I did take the suggestions above of working the jack a little to loosen it up and hopefully get a better contact ,and it DID seem to help. If you bump the jack it will still cut out once in a while, but once you get the jack in a playable position it seems to stay there and the tracks play without cutting out as they dod at first.
And the output going through to the FM modulator does not sound too bad, though maybe not the best. It is a workable alternative to having MP3 when it was not available in the car before.