Hi I’m a new guy to Fuze but I’ve owned an E260 for many years (it has a white screen and is totally unrecognized by my computer now or I would still be using it.)
I have made over a dozen 1 and 2 Gig SD cards full of music I would like to play in my Fuze. Buying new larger cards is not in the budget now and taking the time to transfer all the music from my computer I so carefully culled for these smaller cards is so not what I want to do. It will take days and days.
Isn’t there any way to get the Fuze to recognize and work with these cards or do I really have to wait until I can afford larger cards. I spent a lot of bucks on these things.
Please help.
PS Will anything else read the Micro SD cards I’ve made?
Hi I’m a new guy to Fuze but I’ve owned an E260 for many years (it has a white screen and is totally unrecognized by my computer now or I would still be using it.)
I have made over a dozen 1 and 2 Gig SD cards full of music I would like to play in my Fuze. Buying new larger cards is not in the budget now and taking the time to transfer all the music from my computer I so carefully culled for these smaller cards is so not what I want to do. It will take days and days.
Isn’t there any way to get the Fuze to recognize and work with these cards or do I really have to wait until I can afford larger cards. I spent a lot of bucks on these things.
Please help.
PS Will anything else read the Micro SD cards I’ve made?
Thanks much for the prompt reply, Marvin. I don’t understand. The first two I tried did not work at all. Now I tried one and it works though the product info says the cards must be 4 gigs or more.
One more note for others who may have the same problem. When I had my 260 connected to the computer I was able to interchange cards at will and Windows Explorer would recognize the new card and allow me to do whatever. With the Fuze so far, it has only recognized the card after I have installed it in the player and will not recognize a card I change while the player is connected to the computer.
One more note for others who may have the same problem. When I had my 260 connected to the computer I was able to interchange cards at will and Windows Explorer would recognize the new card and allow me to do whatever. With the Fuze so far, it has only recognized the card after I have installed it in the player and will not recognize a card I change while the player is connected to the computer.
With the Fuze you shouldn’t remove or add cards while it is powered on. I had one for nearly a year, and by only switching them in and out with the player powered down, I had zero problems.
Naturally I can’t find where now. It may have been on Amazon. I’m sorry if I passed on bad info. And I thank Marvin for the warning about inserting cards. BTW should it be really hard, requiring fingernails and several tries, to insert and remove the cards?
I had no trouble using a 2 GB micro SD card in my Fuze. If you loaded the card in your old player using MTP mode, then the card might not work in the Fuze until after you use your old player connected to your pc to delete all the MTP transfered files off the card.
I have had no problem using a 2 GB micro SD card in my Fuze. If your cards have mtp transfered files on them transfered by your old player, then perhaps the Fuze might not recognize the cards until after those files are removed? Are you sure the card in inserted completely in the Fuze and it clicks into place? It should not stick out at all when in the Fuze.