That is what the topic of this post is about. Instead of new, better or improved products from SanDisk, we get SlotPlayer and SlotRadio. Are we as a species becoming that ignorant and lazy? :mansad: Even if you could choose the music you wanted, the price is still too steep.
So we have a few more hours for SanDisk to shake up the mobile media player market again. I hope we haven’t been waiting in vain. I certainly appreciate the SSD’s, but we all knew SanDisk would be a huge player in that department. However, I wish SanDisk - if not wanting to sell to Samsung - would have at least partnered with them. Samsung is a great company, and like SanDisk, are very innovative. Imagine what the 2 could have been like merged or partnered.
I love my version 1 and 2 e200 series Sansa players, but wanted to at least see something new to keep Mr. Jobs on his toes, and SlotWhatever isn’t it. Or I could be wrong. Look how long reality TV (Survivor, Great Race,- how about get a life!!) has been here now. And Jerry Springer too. Man, we are de-evolving!! :cry: