This board has much nicer support from the Admins then the View forum.
What is going on? The only new things that are coming from sandisk is the little slot players. I don’t mind them but honestly, is something going on? The slot music idea is great, and fuze is a step in the right direction, but Sansa View support dissapeared. Sansa went from second to last in 6 months. Where does Music Gremlin come in? How does slotmusic fit in? There are two players, the Fuze and the View that need a little help. Features are good, but innovation dissapeared. It has been a very long time now, what does sandisk have up its sleeve? I know everyone would like to know, its not like it took a whole lot of work to conceive the slot music/radio players, at least nowhere as much as it takes for Sony, Ipod, Cowon, Creative, Archos, and Microsoft to continually add players annually. I just don’t want to see sansa die. Take the View for example, its great, and it comes in one colour, there is virtually no accessories and people are tired of waiting for the bugs to be fixed. The Fuze is the same (more colours though). Sansa players were one of the first to be wifi enabled, now there is none while all the other players are. I have watched the sansa brand virtually dissapear. Its dissapointing to say the least. Sandisk has all the parts that make mp3s worth it, but its not being put together, which is why I’m confused. It looks like sandisk is slowly letting Sansa go. Just look at the facts. Just after management changed hands the whole brand slowed. What I’m saying is that I wish Sandisk would at least let everyone know what its plans for Sansa players is. Rockbox proves its capabilities, so whats going on Sandisk?
Sorry for long post. Good luck figuring out all your bugs in whatever player you happen to have (fuze, since this is the fuze’s board)
Yeah, with all due respect, the article is about the economic downturn and its effect on the tech companys in general. Sandisk is referred to only in the fact that someone tried to buy them out and failed. I didnt draw all the same conclusions that you did.
I seen slotmusic players, interesting idea. Not anything I want, but I see why Sandisk made them. You have to appeal to the widest range of customers when you sell these products. You will have the tech nerd types that want and need high end, complex players with all the bells and whistles and on the other hand is the more common folks who want simple, very easy to use players, They want to be able to plug and play and go on their way without any thought or issues. They dont troll the message boards looking to tweak this setting or that setting, they aren’t looking to crack the firmware and force the poor little machines to do things their makers never intended. No, these folks are fine with their little music players just the way they are. And to that end are older folks who grew up with walkmens, cassette players and cd players and still arent jumping on board with mp3s yet as its too confusing. Its them that slot players are meant to appeal to. The idea of memory cards preloaded with music, is appalling to us who reload our machines daily and reset our playlists every hour on the hour. But just what the doctor ordered for people who lock up and freak at the very mention of those nasty ‘illegal’ mp3s and forget trying to explain downloading and all you need to know about it they refuse to listen so this is a perfect idea for them and we all know the type.
Yeah, with all due respect, the article is about the economic downturn and its effect on the tech companys in general. Sandisk is referred to only in the fact that someone tried to buy them out and failed. I didnt draw all the same conclusions that you did.
I seen slotmusic players, interesting idea. Not anything I want, but I see why Sandisk made them. You have to appeal to the widest range of customers when you sell these products. You will have the tech nerd types that want and need high end, complex players with all the bells and whistles and on the other hand is the more common folks who want simple, very easy to use players, They want to be able to plug and play and go on their way without any thought or issues. They dont troll the message boards looking to tweak this setting or that setting, they aren’t looking to crack the firmware and force the poor little machines to do things their makers never intended. No, these folks are fine with their little music players just the way they are. And to that end are older folks who grew up with walkmens, cassette players and cd players and still arent jumping on board with mp3s yet as its too confusing. Its them that slot players are meant to appeal to. The idea of memory cards preloaded with music, is appalling to us who reload our machines daily and reset our playlists every hour on the hour. But just what the doctor ordered for people who lock up and freak at the very mention of those nasty ‘illegal’ mp3s and forget trying to explain downloading and all you need to know about it they refuse to listen so this is a perfect idea for them and we all know the type.
True,very true, and well put too. I still don’t see how music gremlin fits in though, theres been no word at all on it, only some speculation. Seems like a bit of a waste to just spend the money and do nothing with it. But I guess there the smartest guys in the room eh? Thanks for taking the time to reply.
True,very true, and well put too. I still don’t see how music gremlin fits in though, theres been no word at all on it, only some speculation. Seems like a bit of a waste to just spend the money and do nothing with it. But I guess there the smartest guys in the room eh? Thanks for taking the time to reply.
“The slot music idea is great, and fuze is a step in the right direction, but Sansa View support dissapeared.”
The slot concept is interesting, however having a $20 player without a display, and a $100 player with a display and a 1,000 song card seems to miss the mark. How about having a $30-40 player with a basic LCD display, folder navigation, and a card slot that runs on one AAA battery? How about 500 song Slotradio cards for under $20?
The View is an older player, and many say it has lower sound quality than the Fuze. Imo it is time for the View to be replaced, hopefully with a smaller player that has a larger touchscreen, that has sound quality ay least as good as the Fuze.
And to that end are older folks who grew up with walkmens, cassette players and cd players and still arent jumping on board with mp3s yet as its too confusing. Its them that slot players are meant to appeal to.
. . . so this is a perfect idea for them and we all know the type.
Heyyyy . . . I grew up with walkmans, cassette players, CD players; even reel-to-reel, 8-tracks, 12 inch vinyl LP’s 7 45 rpm singles.
And I’m not _ THAT _ old!
Although the SlotMusic player idea did appeal to me when it came out, mainly for a cheap, rough-duty use, back-up machine (outdoors, work, etc.) until I found out it’s limitations. Now I’m not interested in it at all . . . nor the new SlotRadio player.
And to that end are older folks who grew up with walkmens, cassette players and cd players and still arent jumping on board with mp3s yet as its too confusing. Its them that slot players are meant to appeal to.
. . . so this is a perfect idea for them and we all know the type.
Heyyyy . . . I grew up with walkmans, cassette players, CD players; even reel-to-reel, 8-tracks, 12 inch vinyl LP’s & 45 rpm singles.
And I’m not _ THAT _ old!
Although the SlotMusic player idea did appeal to me when it came out, mainly for a cheap, rough-duty use, back-up machine (outdoors, work, etc.) until I found out it’s limitations. Now I’m not interested in it at all . . . nor the new SlotRadio player.
I read (somewhere, still trying to find it) that SanDisk wants to get away from players that have on board memory and go with players that just worked off memory cards. That way people can use their music with more than one device. It looks like the Slot idea is part of that.
If you read this forum for a while, you realize that most problems have to do with getting the pc to recognize the player, or getting the battery to charge. Having a player without USB connectivity and that uses a AA or AAA battery avoids these issues(rechargeables can be used) I remember around 18 years ago when the first shirt pocket sized walkman tape players came out. Portable CD players were awesome in terms of sound quality, however they were too large(not shirt pocket sized). Minidisk was supposed to solve that problem, however minidisk players were never that popular. Then came mp3 players. Some that used a AAA battery and navigated by folders were easy to use. Those with a rechargeable battery and navigation by tags can be frustrating though, even for those who are very tech savvy. Now many like me who are tech savvy look back fondly to the days of the portable CD player, and want something as easy to use, but that is also shirt pocket sized(okay, the AAA battery powered mp3 players that navigated by folders were also easy to use). If done properly, slotmusic players can fill this need. They need to have a basic low power LCD display and navigation by folders, and use a AA or AAA battery. They also need a card slot, and need to be without a USB connector. They need to be priced under $50, and hopefully also have both AM and FM radio.
And to that end are older folks who grew up with walkmens, cassette players and cd players and still arent jumping on board with mp3s yet as its too confusing. Its them that slot players are meant to appeal to.
. . . so this is a perfect idea for them and we all know the type.
Heyyyy . . . I grew up with walkmans, cassette players, CD players; even reel-to-reel, 8-tracks, 12 inch vinyl LP’s & 45 rpm singles.
And I’m not _ THAT _ old!
Although the SlotMusic player idea did appeal to me when it came out, mainly for a cheap, rough-duty use, back-up machine (outdoors, work, etc.) until I found out it’s limitations. Now I’m not interested in it at all . . . nor the new SlotRadio player.
So exactly what ‘type’ does that make me?
The youf of today - no respect!
I remember valve amps before the became expensive audiophile trinkets. Hell, I used to make them out thown-away telly bits cos that’s all I could afford. And I still know a **bleep** sight more about MP3s than most people 1/2 my age…
So there, Mr Ebouc - you cheeky young whippersnapper
Do you think they can make a player that uses 6DJ8 or or 6922 valves? It will take at least a few D batteries. And none of those nasty 12AX7 ones, they’re too cold sounding, and the heaters would require more of those D’s.
And to that end are older folks who grew up with walkmens, cassette players and cd players and still arent jumping on board with mp3s yet as its too confusing. Its them that slot players are meant to appeal to.
. . . so this is a perfect idea for them and we all know the type.
Heyyyy . . . I grew up with walkmans, cassette players, CD players; even reel-to-reel, 8-tracks, 12 inch vinyl LP’s & 45 rpm singles.
And I’m not _ THAT _ old!
Although the SlotMusic player idea did appeal to me when it came out, mainly for a cheap, rough-duty use, back-up machine (outdoors, work, etc.) until I found out it’s limitations. Now I’m not interested in it at all . . . nor the new SlotRadio player.
So exactly what ‘type’ does that make me?
The youf of today - no respect!
I remember valve amps before the became expensive audiophile trinkets. Hell, I used to make them out thown-away telly bits cos that’s all I could afford. And I still know a **bleep** sight more about MP3s than most people 1/2 my age…
So there, Mr Ebouc - you cheeky young whippersnapper
Message Edited by daytona955 on 01-19-2009 12:09 AM
Im Only 20 (soon to be 21) but I wish I could find some Schematics and instructions on how to do that kinda stuff. I like to tear stuff apart and rewire it. It sounds like fun.
Do you think they can make a player that uses 6DJ8 or or 6922 valves? It will take at least a few D batteries. And none of those nasty 12AX7 ones, they’re too cold sounding, and the heaters would require more of those D’s.
Yes - I do remember 12AX7s! My dad had a box full of them & other goodies from work. He helped me make a valve power supply - 200v DC + 6.3 ac, transformer, selenium rectifier and a big fat electrolitic screwed to a piece of wood - no covers! Taught me to be careful what I touch
Message Edited by daytona955 on 01-19-2009 11:42 PM
And to that end are older folks who grew up with walkmens, cassette players and cd players and still arent jumping on board with mp3s yet as its too confusing. Its them that slot players are meant to appeal to.
. . . so this is a perfect idea for them and we all know the type.
Heyyyy . . . I grew up with walkmans, cassette players, CD players; even reel-to-reel, 8-tracks, 12 inch vinyl LP’s & 45 rpm singles.
And I’m not _ THAT _ old!
Although the SlotMusic player idea did appeal to me when it came out, mainly for a cheap, rough-duty use, back-up machine (outdoors, work, etc.) until I found out it’s limitations. Now I’m not interested in it at all . . . nor the new SlotRadio player.
So exactly what ‘type’ does that make me?
The youf of today - no respect!
I remember valve amps before the became expensive audiophile trinkets. Hell, I used to make them out thown-away telly bits cos that’s all I could afford. And I still know a **bleep** sight more about MP3s than most people 1/2 my age…
So there, Mr Ebouc - you cheeky young whippersnapper
Message Edited by daytona955 on 01-19-2009 12:09 AM
I have no shame in admitting I am 42, I grew up with 8 tracks and cassettes as well. In referencing ‘Older’ folks, I am thinking of my grandparents. I can’t say much about my mom’s ability with a computer, when she passed at the age of 64, she was just a bit better than me with them. But my in laws are in their 60s and 70s and they want nothing to do with anything techy, digital cameras are bad enough for them but they own no comptuers and heaven forbid I should talk mp3s with them as they like cds perfectly fine they tell me and I can see a slotplayer being perfect for them.