Sansa Menu isn't okay

Hello everybody, i’m new on sandisk gear, and recently i’v got a sandisk clipzip.
When i turned  on at the first time, the battery was full, its normal come from the factory with full battery?

regardless of this, the rela problema is with the menu…

the fabricant guarantee’s me that sansa sources is

  • Music
  • FM radio
  • Books
  • Voice
  • Card (if inserted)
  • Sport
  • Settings

But mine only haves

What’s the sollution? It can be a software problem? I can solve it by myself? need to change the product? Sandisk guarantee against defects of this type??

Than’ks a lot, hope you can help me

Go into Settings > System Settings and select Customize. This determines which Main menu items will be shown, so if for example you don’t use Sport, Books, etc. you can switch them off and they won’t display in the Main menu. Maybe yours are turned off and you can turn them on.

It’s rare that it should come like this from the factory. Did you buy this brand-new or was it a re-furb?