Sansa Fuze+ Menu Structure Documentation:
The Sansa Fuze+ has 8 horizontally arranged top level menu choices (with only 1 visible at a time):
music / video / photo / radio / books / voice / card / settings
When at ‘music’, pressing center enters a submenu with 5 ways to select tracks (horizontally):
artists / albums / songs / genres / playlists [/ folders]
The new firmware supposedly also adds music navigation & selection by folder.
Press center to play the selected music file and display album cover art while listening.
Pressing back returns you to the music menu.
When at ‘video’, pressing center enters a submenu with 2 ways to select videos (horizontally):
A-Z / by duration
Pressing back returns you to the video menu.
When at ‘photo’, pressing center enters a submenu with 2 ways to select still photographs (horizontally):
A-Z / by date
Pressing back returns you to the photo menu.
When at ‘radio’, pressing center enters a submenu providing 2 ways to tune into FM stations (horizontally):
‘radio’ / presets
FM listening is immediately enabled in either FM station selection mode.
Manual tuning of FM stations and/or preset navigation is accomplised via the up/down arrows.
Holding center down makes or deletes a preset on the currently selected FM frequency.
Touching center brings up a 2nd level submenu with 7 vertical “options”:
Delete preset / Record radio / Play recordings / Auto scanning for presets / Seek mode / Delete all presets / Delete all recordings
Pressing back, returns you to the manual ‘radio’ tuning/listening submenu.
Pressing back again, returns you to the ‘radio’ menu.
However, when listening to the ‘radio’, a timeout takes you back to manual tuning/listening ‘radio’ submenu.
When at ‘books’, pressing center displays a submenu with 3 ways to select material (horizontally):
podcasts / audiobooks / audibles
Podcasts are grouped together vertically by Album Name. Select using vertical cursor and press center.
A third level menu will display individual episodes within an album. Select one using the vertical cursor.
Playback begins after center press. Right will jump to the next episode.
Pressing back 3 times returns you to the book menu. I don’t know how audiobooks or audibles work.
When at ‘voice’, pressing center enters a submenu with 2 tasks (horizontally):
record / play
The record screen has a vertical menu with 2 functions: Start recording / Stop
The play screen has a vertical menu containing a list of previous recordings to replay by pressing center.
Pressing back once returns you to the ‘voice’ menu.
When at ‘card’, pressing center gives an advertisement on SlotRadio when no uSD card is present.
I expect folder navigation for a removable SDcard when one is detected.
When at ‘settings’, pressing center gives a submenu with 21 options (vertically):
Music Settings / Video Settings / Photo Settings / Podcast&Book Settings / Radio Settings / Background / Backlight / Brightness / Power Saver / Sleep / Customize Menu / Equalizer / Replay Gain / Volume Level / Language / USB mode / Date / Time / Format / Restore / Info
Pressing back returns you to the ‘settings’ menu.
It was confusing to me so there I share my man page with you.
Othniel Graichen