Sansa Fuze with a 16 gb micro sd card - questions

ok, I don’t care about videos, so if everything goes well with music and data storage - I’ll be happy.

@riven wrote:
ok, I don’t care about videos, so if everything goes well with music and data storage - I’ll be happy.

Same here…any screen under 3 inches, I don’t think it’s worth it.

@riven wrote:

Thank you very much PolloLoco, I hope this will be the case with my SD Card as well. I’ll take the one made by Kingston as it has an sd adapter included.


Sorry for not noticing other threads , but the search results did not include the answers I wanted, at least not on the first few pages. 

Most micro SD cards come with a ‘standard size’ adaptor; not all, but most. The thing is most times it’s never used, so I wouldn’t base my buying decision on that inclusion alone. The only time you’re ever going to need it is if, let’s say you wanted to use the micro card in a digital camera that accepts SD size only, or needed to use an external card reader and it only had a slot for a full-size card. Otherwise, they’re a pretty useless accessory. I’ve got several; I’d be glad to send you one, but I see you’ve already bitten the bullet & ordered one.

The more ‘new’ threads on the same subject only makes the searching process that more difficult for everyone. Kind of a snowball going downhill effect. You admit you didn’t find the answer you were seeking within the first few pages. Why? Because there are so many references to whatever you used as your search criteria. If people would look & search out the answers that I guarantee you are already here before creating yet another post, then there would be far fewer ‘results’ to wade through (for everybody, member & visitors alike) when searching.

No offense was meant, and I think your questions have been answered now. The Kingston cards, as other have pointed out have a compatibilty issue with videos, but should be OK for song files. Refreshing should only take a few minutes, not an hour (I don’t know why it would ever take that long). My 8GB ‘E’ series and 16GB card (both full) take approx. 7 - 8 minutes to refresh but the Fuze, I believe is faster than that. It’s got the same processing chip, but more updated & streamlined firmware. Now 7 - 8 minutes sounds like a long time, and it is but I just leave it and do something else during that time. I’m usually in multi-tasking mode anyhow; like reading & typing responses here on the forum. :smileyvery-happy:

Thanks for an elaborate answer. As for searching - yes, I am aware of that. But I guess it’s difficult to prevent this from happening. I’d suggest making a FAQ thread about SD cards attached at the top of the thread list because topics like this will most likely appear in the future.

As for refreshing - if its 7 minutes, I don’t mind. I only hope the SD Card won’t eject accidentally from time to time. On the other hand, I haven’t seen many complaints about this, so maybe it’s not that likely after all. 


This might help so I’ll throw it out.  My 4G has a 4G card and I have about 1000 mp3 files between the two spaces.  Someone here kindly recommended that I use the StampID3Tag editor program.  I had noticed that there were 100’s of albums listed on my fuze as well as 100’s of artists and Genre’s.  I’m guessing that the Fuze has to build tables of those at start up time and with those tables being so large it could take longer to complete that process.

I have about 2 dozen folders in my Fuze (in MSC mode).  So, I used the tag editor program and made the album name  the same for each folder and use the same genre name for each folder.  My folders are by artist or type of music.  i.e. Patsy Cline or Classical, or Oldies. etc.  (I could care less what Album or Genre the files say.)

Doing this brought the number of albums, & genre’s down to the same number of folders I have.  It now seems that the startup time is shorter - although I really haven’t timed it.  But, it seems to be about 20-30 seconds, there-a-bouts.

Other people might not want to operate this way but I only select my music by folder or by a few folder playlists.  For instance, in my classical folder I have a playlist called Classical Sleep.  That’s those classical pieces that put me to sleep.  :)  Another in my Country folder playes the tunes by order of popularity.

@riven wrote:

Thanks for an elaborate answer. As for searching - yes, I am aware of that. But I guess it’s difficult to prevent this from happening. I’d suggest making a FAQ thread about SD cards attached at the top of the thread list because topics like this will most likely appear in the future.


As for refreshing - if its 7 minutes, I don’t mind. I only hope the SD Card won’t eject accidentally from time to time. On the other hand, I haven’t seen many complaints about this, so maybe it’s not that likely after all. 



Yes, I agree this (and some other commonly discussed topics) should be added to the FAQ. There’s only 3 issues with that suggestion . . .

  1. Someone will have to take it upon themselves to find the time and write it up, and then get slotmonsta or microsansa to add it to the FAQ.
  2. We get questions here all the time that are answered in the FAQ. The sad truth is people just don’t look at it or read it.
  3. The FAQ really isn’t where it should be, in the FAQ’s and Suggested Stickies board. The most complete one is in the e200 series board. And while 95% of the issues discussed apply regardless of player model, there is nothing linking to it in the other player’s boards, like the Fuze or Clip. Someone wrote up one for the Fuze and got it ‘stickied’ there, but it has some errors and is isn’t that helpful.

The locking card mechanism really hasn’t been a problem. They are awfull reliable little buggers. Just make sure it clicks twice when you push it in, or the spring could launch it across the room!

Hi sorry if I’m repeating previous threads but I bought a 2 Gb Fuze on ebay (used to replace lost one) and I have now gotten 2 16 Gb SD cards (had a 4 Gb in my old fuze). BOTH of the 16 Gb SD cards causes my PC to lock up when I try to synchronize the SD. Both SD’s were out of Hong Kong so they may just have been bogus. Any thoughts?

Are the 2 Gb Snasa’s able to handle the 16 Gb SD??

heyderguy wrote:

Hi sorry if I’m repeating previous threads but I bought a 2 Gb Fuze on ebay (used to replace lost one) and I have now gotten 2 16 Gb SD cards (had a 4 Gb in my old fuze). BOTH of the 16 Gb SD cards causes my PC to lock up when I try to synchronize the SD. Both SD’s were out of Hong Kong so they may just have been bogus. Any thoughts?


Are the 2 Gb Snasa’s able to handle the 16 Gb SD??



Yes, they will work with any size SDHC card, up to and including the new 32GB behemoth.

Gotta be careful who you buy memory cards from on eBay. Some coming out of China are counterfeits. I’ve bought several from dealers on eBay and haven’t had any problems, but always make sure they are US dealers, or that they ship from US.

There was another poster here a few weeks ago who had bought what he thought was either an 8GB or 16GB card (I don’t remember which) from eBay and it turned out to be a 2GB card that had the printing changed to make it appear as what he bought.

Also just upgraded to a 16 gB from my old 8.  SanDisk.  No problems.

Video can be fun and I like to make sure that I won’t have problems buy going with SanDisk.  The Fuze is great for short videos like YouTube conversions or home movies from your digital cam. (Not great for feature-length movies- in my opinion anyway).

Regen takes about 2-3 minutes.

Thanks. That’s what I suspected. I just couldn’t believe I got burnt by two different vendors in a row. Just for the record, you don’t think that the problem is in the Sansa do you? The first SD wouldn’t show up at all. THe second one seemed intermitent but it showed up on the PC as 16 gb. However, everytime it starts writing to the chip it gets ~1 gb (or less) into the process and freezes. To unlock it I have to uplug the Sansa, force it to turn off and remove the SD. Really appreciate your help.

I have a sandisk one. I divided mine up by putting musicians  A thru D on the internal memory, and the rest on the external memory. Mine does’t take much longer than it did with 16 gigs but I still have some empty space.

If you don’t have another card reader or adapter, I would suggest you put the Fuze in MSC mode (Settings/System Settings/USB Mode/MSC), turn it off, put the card in, connect to the computer, find the card in Computer or My Computer, right-click on it and Format it to FAT32. Just in case there’s some odd file on there that’s interfering with loading it.

But the bad guys who sell counterfeit cards can do a lot of things–including, I’d guess, making your computer show 16B where there’s only one. 

Be sure to report those sellers to eBay if you’re sure the cards are bogus. eBay will give you your money back, and probably investigate them, so you’ll be doing a favor for both yourself and the next victim.  

Sorry for being “dense” but you mentioned “regen takes 2-3 min”. What is “regen”? Also, the latest 16 gb vendor swears that they tested the latest SD before shipping. Is there anything I need to do (such as “format”) to the SD??

If the card is removed and re-inserted (even partially) and if any data was added or deleted from either the card or on-board memory, the device will “refresh the database”.  Sort-of internal housekeeping I assume.  You get a green screen with a message and a progress bar.  Not a big deal.  Much better than the e200 series which would refresh upon each start.