sansa fuze hardware revision

i have a sansa fuse 4gb player version 1.01.22a and i want to know if i have to update the players version to 02.01.17 firmware revision? i’ve tried to look for updates but nothing is available, so can someone tell me if i need to update or stick with my first version. thanks for your input.

You have the latest firmware for your Fuze (a v1). The “02” firmware is only for v2 Fuzes.

You cannot update between firmware families, as these two versions are for different circuit board versions of the device.  The two device versions will perform identically.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

thanks for the heads up but i still don’t understand the difference between the two, but either way thanks…

@nuno64 wrote:
thanks for the heads up but i still don’t understand the difference between the two, but either way thanks…

There is no difference. They work the same. Version 2 had a different release date, and have a different hardware setup internally, but there is no functional difference, and the firmwires are identical in what they do.

thanks for the info now i understand.