Sansa Express 2gig erroring?

I purchased a Sansa Express 2g. via Amazon last Tuesday, and when it arrived on Thursday, I charged it, loaded it with songs, and set out on my merry way.  I try turning it on on Friday, and it won’t turn on, only showing the “Sandisk” logo for 2 seconds.  I’ve tried charging it with my laptop *plugged in* but it doesn’t show the device

Any suggestions for what to do?

I am at the same situation. Same exact behavior.

While email support was helpful, calling Sandisk resulted
in an offer to warranty it from Sandisk (which I will be doing
this week once I can get to the UPS store on thur/fri.) They even
supply a 3-dayish prepaid UPS mailing label.

I mentioned this forum several times talking to the phone support
tech :stuck_out_tongue:

They could just be a few bad parts. One location in memory stuck
at 0 or 1, which agrees with one firmware, but is the wrong value for
the next could do it.
