What do you mean by equalize earphones? Permanently changing their sound character? I never heard of anything like that. I’ve been listening to music for 4 hours before. Now I’m using some pink, white, radio noise and waving frequencies generator to heat them. Generator.
Can you explain “equalize earphones” to me like to a kid? What does it mean, consequencies, is it permanent even after heat up? I found some pages but I don’t understand much.
I like to use eq because normal settings are not fun enough for me.
I know what equalizer is. But I’m not sure I understood you correctly. Translation problems. I’m not US/UK. I understood that by using equalizer on player I will equalize earphones so they change their sound characteristic. What I mean is that after playing at eq for a long time earphones will not play at default settings same as before.
I think I starded to thinking too much after I read some pages about equalizing earphones like How to equalize earphones. I don’t get this page.