Received my Clip+ (8GB) yesterday and connected it to my laptop to charge. Very easy. Then followed instructions to drag some albums across from the HD to the Internal Memory-Music-Artist sub folder. unplugged the player to check the content and all was fine. Re-connected the player later to add more music files but the format was now different: Internal Memory folder not present. Only a Music folder showing no content allthough the player itself showed the albums are there. No Artist subfolder either. What happened? No idea. Downloaded the latest firmware and re-formatted the player, but no change. I can still drag music files to the player and the playback seems to work, too. Furthermore, there is no “Volume” control in the Settings menu. Furthermore, I bought the player for in-car use and I’m really disappointed in the very low volume through the car stereo, even at max output. Do I really have to buy an amp for the car? Not happy with the player. Can anybody help?
To comply with EU regulations, the volume output is limited on the device. If you would like the old volume option High / Normal, under settings, use the Reset function. After resetting, choose Americas as your region, and you will once again have the “high” option.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
Thanks Bob. Resetting to factory settings has done the trick. I expect the volume still to be too low for the car though. I shall try later. However, resetting the player has resulted in the content showing the Internal Memory folder again, when connected to the PC. Clicking on the Internal Memory folder reveals the Music folder (and others) but the tracks I transferred can’t be found anywhere, although they are clearly present on the player. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?