Sansa Clip/Sansa Clip+ Sample Songs?

I accidentally deleted the sample songs and I really liked a lt of them, and it’s borderline impossible for me to find them. Help?

Here is my screen shot of the mp3 songs that came pre-loaded on my SanDisk Sport (Sept 2015).

SanDisk Demo mp3.JPG

You could try finding these on YouTube?

Then maybe look at this message from JaneAJ in this Forum

Re: YouTube Converter to MP3 or Ogg - Simple No Software

‎03-24-2016 04:52 AM

Here is my screen shot of the mp3 songs that came pre-loaded on my SanDisk Clip Sport (Sept 2015).

 You could try finding these on YouTube?

SanDisk Demo mp3.JPG

AND, I found this link on YouTube.

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