Here is how i fixed the problem after dropping my player and getting the same message (only mine said delete 30MB).
The Sansa udater would not recognize that it was even plugged in, so I went the long way 'round, so to speak…
I have Sansa Clip 2GB, Windows XP, (sp3).
When I plug the player into the computer, Windows opened the “install new hardware” Wizard. I selected to choose
to install software online “this time only”. It did its thing for awhile. When done, it registered as “USB storage device”
–in my case–drive E. Now it’s acting like a flash drive for storage, however…(and I’m not sure this was necessary)
I formatted it, by right clicking, and choosing “format” in that dialogue…o.k., so i lost some stuff I had on it…
you go here;
and I selected the 2 point something firmware update at the bottom. It’ll say put it in your main directory or something,
at this point you only have one on the Clip, the drive itself.
So, after checking the download for viruses, I unzipped it, in Win Explorer. You’ll see a small file as a result of this in
the right hand pane of Explorer. Simply drag and drop it into the drive letter represented by the Clip. Then unplug it when it’s
been copied to the Sansa…
I can’t recall if it starts updating right then, but If it doesn’t , shut it off and turn it on again. You just have to wait a sec for
it to do its thing.
Mine seems to be back to normal; with one quirk…in System under total bytes used, it says it’s about half full. I haven’t
used it yet for mp3, but the radio and everything else works, so I got busy and reset all the settings I had on it.
Hope this helps.