Sansa Clip+ MP3-Player >> "Not enough space for music DB. Please free 90MB."

For six months I’ve been very satisfied with my Sansa Clip+

Now my player says:  “Not enough space for music DB. Please free 90MB.” When I connect it to any PC or Mac, it would just freeze and not be recognized as an external hard drive or device.

Isn’t there sort of a “shortcut key” which will rest my player WITHOUT the help of a computer?

Must I throw it away and buy a new one?  

First, do a reset. Press & hold the power button for 20-30 seconds. Then read this:

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Hi Tapeworm,

I appreciate that you are trying to help! Thanks for that!

But I wouldn’t bother anybody with my problem, if I had not checked out the internet and this forum before. So I have already tried out every single way which I can find under your link (of course after pressing the button for 20-30 minutes):

METHOD 1 - Delete files directly on the device >>> I can’t, because Sansa Clip wouldn’t show anything else than the error message on its display as soon as I turn it on.

METHOD 2 - Delete files using a PC >>> I can’t, because none of the several PCs (XP/Vista) and my Mac recognize the Sansa Clip. 

METHOD 3 - Format in Disk Manager >>> I can’t, because of the same reason.

Obviously there’s no way to use a computer for deleting files or formatting the Clip. Therefore I was asking if there’s a key combination which I can use on the device to erase everything and set back the whole MP3 Player system back to a default?

Unfortunately I have no receipt anymore, no guarantee. So I can’t send it back to SanDisk.

I still refuse to believe that a reputable company like SanDisk is able to manufacture a device which you can accidentally knock down and kill by uploading “too much data”.

Kind regards from Constance, Germany


Hello Miikerman,

I appreciate your help, as well! Although I tried this before, I just retried it on one of my PCs and on my Mac i7.

In neither case, however, I was successful: When I connect my player to my computer exactly the way you describe, the player’s display shows the flower like symbol and seconds later our well known error message. No reaction on my computers. They just don’t realize that I connect the Sansa Clip. :frowning:  

In Germany it’s already quite late - I go to bed now. 

Thanks nevertheless & greetings!



I just loaded up my Sansa Clip and go the same error message that you recieved.  I tried all of the things listed in this thread as well but then decided to just look at the Sansa Clip as any other hard drive and found the answer.  

If you farmat the drive using the disk management function you will be able to use the Sansa Clip again.  I just completed the quick format which took no time and was able to start reloading with songs.  The downside is of course that you lose all of the song on the player, the good news, you don’t have to get a new one.

Hope this works for you as well as it did for me.

Could you explain how to format the disk?  The computer doesn’t even recognize that the Sansa is plugged into it.

Here is how i fixed the problem after dropping my player and getting the same message (only mine said delete 30MB).

The Sansa udater would not recognize that it was even plugged in, so I went the long way 'round, so to speak…

I have Sansa Clip 2GB, Windows XP, (sp3).

When I plug the player into the computer, Windows opened the “install new hardware” Wizard.  I selected to choose

to install software online “this time only”.  It did its thing for awhile.  When done, it registered as “USB storage device”

–in my case–drive E.  Now it’s acting like a flash drive for storage, however…(and I’m not sure this was necessary)

I formatted it, by right clicking, and choosing “format” in that dialogue…o.k., so i lost some stuff I had on it…

you go here;

and I selected the 2 point something firmware update at the bottom.  It’ll say put it in your main directory or something,

at this point you only have one on the Clip, the drive itself.

So, after checking the download for viruses, I unzipped it, in Win Explorer.  You’ll see a small file as a result of this in

the right hand pane of Explorer.  Simply drag and drop it into the drive letter represented by the Clip.  Then unplug it when it’s

been copied to the Sansa…

I can’t recall if it starts updating right then, but If it doesn’t , shut it off and turn it on again.  You just have to wait a sec for

it to do its thing.

Mine seems to be back to normal; with one quirk…in System under total bytes used, it says it’s about half full.  I haven’t

used it yet for mp3, but the radio and everything else works, so I got busy and reset all the settings I had on it.

Hope this helps.

I was finally able to reformat my player by plugging it into a different computer.  For some unknown reason my computer would not recognize the player and trying to reformat it crashed the “disk management” program.  For others with the same problem, follow this link and make sure to attach your player in MSC mode (also explained in the link).

Windows has a “cheat sheet” containing a list of all devices it has previously recognized.  If there is a problem in the registry entry for the Sansa, it will not be recognized.

If you manually connect in MSC mode, open the Device Manager and find the Sansa under the USB Root Hub (it may even have a little yellow triangle flag next to it.  Right click on the device and select uninstall.   Unplug the device and wait at least 30 seconds, then try plugging in again.

The Sansa should then be recognized normally.

Bob  :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey you can try out some of the solution that has been mentioned here, just check it out and see if they are helping you or not.

@khalnayak wrote:

Hey you can try out some of the solution that has been mentioned here, just check it out and see if they are helping you or not.

All of which was already mentioned earlier in this thread and can be found in SanDisk’s own searchable KnowledgeBase Support Center, but thanks anyway. :wink:

I faced the same problem and solved it using the “SD formatter” software.

The format does not erase the sansa system files.

You can download it from the SD Association

I have tried all the solutions on this site to fix my clip . I have found the best way to fix it. You will need a good pair of steel toed boots and a hammer .Lay your clip on a hard surface and hit it as hard as you can with the hammer, them stomp on it with your steel toed boots. This works great, now go out and by a IPOD!!!  It is the only thing that worked.

@hadenough wrote:

I have tried all the solutions on this site to fix my clip . I have found the best way to fix it. You will need a good pair of steel toed boots and a hammer .Lay your clip on a hard surface and hit it as hard as you can with the hammer, them stomp on it with your steel toed boots. This works great, now go out and by a IPOD!!!  It is the only thing that worked.

Disregarding the fact that this solution is excessive over-kill (and probably totally unnecessary in the first place given the assistance provided on this forum and from the available SanDisk Customer Service/Tech Support), I fail to see how the toes (steel or otherwise) of your boots are going to affect the impact of the heels (or soles) on the target device. :confounded: :neutral_face: :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, that’s right. doPi players never have problems. Good luck with that.

Hello there,

I have the very same problem Dannefel has. Despite all the ideas that came up, none worked for me. I wish I could format the sansa player, but how to format something that is not recognised as a usb device on the first place ?

I also tried to plug a micro SD card (well, it says it needs more space, so I tried that…) and it doesn’t change a thing.

I really spend a lot of time trying to find a solution to this, without any success.

Thanks for your help.

What steps have you tried?

Have you tried changing Settings/System Settings/USB Mode to MSC. 

Have you tried holding down the home button and various combinations of << or >> or > or while connecting.

Have you tried a different USB cord. 

Have you tried a different USB port on your computer.

Have you tried a different computer. 

Have you tried Settings/System Setttings/Format on the unit itself. 

Have you tried calling 1-866-SANDISK or the customer service number in your country. 


I too, have been getting the same error message (Not enough space…) on my Sansa Clip+ 4GB.

I am unable to try reformatting my player because when I connect to my computer, while it is recognized (not as SansaClip like it used to be, but as Removable Disk F: I cannot right click on the link to that drive. It locks up my explorer panel  - essentially just hangs and I have to force a close of my Explorer window. 

I have tried using a different computer with the same result.

I’m thinking that I could try to reformat using DOS, would that work? Is there something else I should try instead?

I am also confused on the whole MSC/MTP modes. I’ve tried connecting to my computer while holding the center button on the front of my player, but I notice no difference either in the players display or the way my computer sees the player. How do I know if I did it correctly?

Please help! I’m afraid it’s now a brick :cry:

If you have, or can borrow, another USB-miniUSB cord, from a camera or phone, try that. It could just be a cord problem.

In MSC mode, two drives should show up on your PC. One is the Clip, the other–Removable Disc–is the card slot. If there’s no card in the card slot then your PC could get very confused. Are you sure you are not trying to format an empty card slot?  

Another possibility: somehow your player’s USB mode got switched to MTP.

Disconnect it. Take out the microSD card if one is in there.

Turn it on.

Go to Settings/System Settings/USB Mode and make it MSC. Connect it and see if Sansa Clip reappears.