After a month of using this mp3 player I have found some bugs here. So let’s get started:
Let’s play any song, put it on pause and rewind/forward it a little bit. There is a high chance that player will show that the song is playing, but it isn’t, because we put it on pause before rewinding/forwarding. So the sound is gone.
Fix- force restart
Let’s play any song, go to “sports” category and put the timer on (for example for 5 mins), go back to music screen and turn off the mp3 player. Turn it on after 5 minutes, when the timer time is over. The player will freeze and the music and timer sound will be stuck.
Fix- force restart
Let’s go to music -> songs -> press shuffle.
Now go to music -> songs -> select any song
Press menu button and you will see that shuffle is turned on, but it actually isn’t (UI bug?)
Note that this happened for me only few times. Plus it’s just a minor bug, because it doesn’t crash the player like others (so I guess there is no need to worry about it)
Don’t know why, but player freezes when it tries to play this file
I hope i explained clearly enough. English is not my first language, so sorry for grammar. If it is not clear enough, I can add screenshots/videos/sound samples if you need.
Hope I helped.
P.S. quick suggestion: would be nice if there would be a confirmation window for clearing GO list. There is no fun when you want to play the last song in the list and you just accidentaly clear it.