Hi I just got a 4GB Sana Clip (English)
I loaded my songs (some are in Hebrew) on it and it recognized the Hebrew font which is great.
However… it is backwards… (Hebrew goes from right to left) so the Album/title/artists names letters are not garbled, they are correct but in the reverse order…
for example: on the device "hebrew’ is shown as ‘werbeh’.
is there a fix for this? Do I need to install the Hebrew firmware… I prefer not to.
If i do, what will that do? Will it change my menus?
I like the English menu, so i don’t want to update to a Hebrew firmware.
I know that some folks suggested to try to use ID3v2 & UTF-16 , but i tried editing some of the tags (e.g. Title) using the mp3tag v2.42 software , but t did not make a difference.
Anyone can help ?
I also used the ReverseIt program, someone suggested, but it does not seem to do anything for me on Vista. (see: http://www.sendspace.com/file/58x7ku)
Thanks for your help!