SanDisk USB 3.0 Flash Drive running at USB 2.0 speeds


I have bought the SanDisk USB 3.0 16GB flash drive. I have attempted to transfer files with sizes ranging from 50MB to 1GB.

I have noticed that regardless I am plugged into the USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 ports of my desktop custom rig, I am getting almost identical read/write speeds [~10Mb/sec write only!]. (I have verified the speeds AGAIN via a 3rd party software as well. CrystalDiskMark)

It led me to realise these 2 issues.

  1. My desktop aren’t recognizing the SanDisk Ultra usb 3.0 as a usb 3.0 flash drive

  2. The flash drive is faulty

I will be more than willng to listen to any advices with detailed instructions as to what I should do to make my USB 3.0 ports detect the SanDisk ultra usb 3.0 properly.

Note that, under Device Manager, I confirmed I have the latest USB 3.0 drivers installed.

smileyhappy: Hello!

Please try the UFD (USB flash drive) in other PCs (with USB 3.0), to define who is the problem.

Regards, Alfred. (Google Translate).

Since this is a custom mobo, can you also double check that at device manager, the drivers are installed and updated too? I mean with no question marks. 

I have already said, all drivers are verified to be updated via the Device Manager page. Unless there are any other ways I could do it.

Thanks for your advice. I have tried it on a different desktop. Almost identical results. Whether it’s USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 ports, same writing speeds.

:smiley:   ¡Hola!


Lo siento, entonces, si, hay que devolverla, pues parece que ‘NO ES USB 3.0’.
Es defectuosa, como sospechaste tu antes, o quizás es ‘Falsa’, es decir, es una ‘USB 2.0’, ‘empaquetada’ como ‘USB 3.0’.
Por eso, puedes REVISAR su N° de serie y de Volumen, y los Datos Internos, con algún software Portable (free) muy simple de usar, como por ejemplo: USB Deview 2.29 y USB Drive Letter 1.25 de NirSoft, también con USB Drive Manager 4.20 de Alex Nolan, y además de USB Cristal Disk Mark 3.02, puedes verificar también las velocidades con USB SpeedOut 0.50.

Por último, le pasas el USB Check Disk 1.40 de Dirk Pahel. Con esto, tendrás “una Radiografía” de tu Unidad Flash.
Los encontrarás en Google, o para no perder más tiempo, en mi ‘Carpeta Personal’ (free): Aquí. Suerte.

Saludos, Alfred.  (Google Traduce).

:smiley:    Hello!

Sorry, then, yes, you have to return it, it seems that ‘NO USB 3.0’.
Is faulty, as you suspected you before, or maybe it ‘False’, ie is a ‘USB 2.0’, ‘packaged’ as ‘USB 3.0’.
So you can REVIEW your Serial Number and Volume, and Internal Data, with some very simple Portable software (free) to use, such as: USB Deview 2.29 and USB Drive Letter 1.25 of NirSoft, also with USB Drive Manager of Alex Nolan 4.20, plus USB Crystal Disk Mark 3.02, you can also check rates with USB SpeedOut 0.50.

Finally, you pass him the USB Check Disk 1.40 of Dirk Pahel. With this, you have a “radiography” of your Flash Drive.
Find them at Google, or not to lose more time, in my ‘Personal Folder’ (free):   Aquí

Regards, Alfred.  (Google Translate).

Hi Team, 

I purchased an Extreme USB 3.0 64GB at Christmas with my new MAC (running OSx Mavericks 10.9.2). I want to use it to store and transport digitised files of converted VHS Tapes and Super8mm Cine films ( 6 x 200ft reels).

I know that the FAT 32 format will only allow up to 4GB file size which is useless for my requirements so I reformatted it to NTFS as per the instructions that came with the device which my MAC recognises as a Drive.

I have also had to put Parallels on which runs Windows 8.1.

Do I need to reformat it for use with the MAC or should I leave it at NTFS and use the Windows 8.1 running under Parallels? I have got to send it with my cine films so that they can be converted to a digital format and returned to me for editing and using iMovie and iDVD for storage.



:smiley:    ¡Hola!

Me parece que lo más práctico y simple (como decía Ockham), es mantener tu ‘UFD Extreme de 64GB’ en
formato FAT32, el cual te permitirá usarlo, tanto en Windows como en MAC y sobre todo en ‘Players DVD
de mesa’, y llevarlo en el bolsillo, lejos de “narices ajenas”. Además te ahorras gastos de ‘Cloud’ y
tiempo. Sería lo ideal. Pero, como tú muy bien dices, tenemos el límite de 4 GB por archivo…

Bueno, pues hay programas de terceros, que permiten formatear en FAT32, superando ese límite y
aprovechando así su versatilidad, para usarlo también en HDisk externos.
Entonces, puedes probar con Fat32Formatter (Portable, free), puedes investigar: Acá
Para descarga directa (free), lo buscas como ‘USB Fat32Formatter 1.10 [P]’: Aquí

Saludos, Alfred.   (Traduce Google).


:smiley:    Hello!

I think that the most practical and simple (as Ockham said), is to keep your ‘UFD 64GB Extreme’ in
FAT32 format, which lets you use both Windows and MAC and especially in ‘DVD Players table’ and carry
in your pocket, away from “foreign noses”. Also saves you costs ‘Cloud’ and time. It would be ideal.
But, as you well say, we have the 4GB limit per file…

Well, there are third-party programs that allow formatted in FAT32, exceeding this limit and taking
advantage of its versatility to also use it in external hdisk.
So you may try Fat32Formatter (Portable, free), you can investigate: Here
To download directly (free), looking as ‘USB Fat32Formatter 1.10 [P]’: Aquí

Regards, Alfred.   (Google Translate).

:smiley:   ¡Hola!

Disculpas, se me perdió un párrafo con la traducción.
Tenemos dos temas: usar Fat32 en dispositivos de más de 32 Gb, superándo ese
límite, con lo que te comenté en el Post anterior.
Y para el límite de 4 GB por archivo, mi idea era: utilizar ‘WRar para
comprimirlos y cortalos’, o también probar con el ‘programa Hacha’.
También, escuché de programas que cortan .avi, etc. Ver en San Google.

Para formatear directamente en NTFS (para Windows), puedes usar el ‘USB Flash
Format (HP) 2.18 [P], (Pass 123)’, que también está en mi carpeta. Suerte.

Saludos, Alfred.  (traduce Google).

:smiley:  Hello!

Apologies, it lost me a paragraph with the translation.
We have two themes: use Fat32 devices over 32 Gb, exceeding this limit with what
you said in the previous post.
And for the 4GB limit per file, my idea was: use ‘WRar to compress and cut’, or
also try the ‘program Hacha’.
Also, I heard program cutting Avi, etc. View San Google.

To format directly in NTFS (for Windows), you can use the 'USB Flash Format (HP)

2.18 [P] (Pass 123)', which is also in my folder. Luck.

Regards, Alfred.   (Google Translate).

:smiley:  ¡Hola!

Aparte de estos temas, te quería comentar (perdona si muestro ignorancia en esto), que tengo un ‘Player Grabador Philips, con Dvd y Disco Rígido’ del año 2009, hogareño. Con él convierto (en Tiempo Real), mis películas VHS de cinta analógicas.
Las VHS las reproduzco en la ‘Videocasetera’ y las grabo en el ‘Philips’, que me las deja digitalizadas en DVD (o en Disco rígido) en VOB. Luego, en la PC las reconvierto en AVI. Lo mismo con programas de TV analógicas. También vi un pequeño dispositivo ‘Encore’ que digitaliza directamente las VHS (Caseras).

Saludos, Alfred.  (Traduce Google).

:smiley:   Hello!

Apart from these issues, I wanted to comment (sorry if I show ignorance on this), I have a ‘Philips Player Recorder with DVD and Hard Disk’ in 2009, homey. With it I become (in Real Time), my films analog VHS tape.
The VHS restate the ‘VCR’ and recorded in the ‘Philips’, I let them digitized in DVD (or hard disk) in VOB. Then in the reconvierto PC in AVI. Same with analog TV programs. I also saw a small ‘Encore’ device directly digitizes VHS (homemade).

Regards, Alfred.  (Google Translate).

Thanks Alfred and DCCDave for talking something totally out of point from my issue. Is it really that difficult to create a thread for yourself?

:smiley:   Hi

See this post, and also the message N° 14.

Regards, Alfred.