@nuntius wrote:
The last release works just great.
USB recognition, and it is just perfect to me!
Especially that Rockbox Utility is “Clip+ ready”! Easy way ton install rockbox if you don’t “dare” installing it manually.

There’s a new version of Rockbox Utility: version 1.27 can use the 01.02.15 firmware.
I’m a new to this foum as my CLIP+ 8GB +8Gb microSD has arived today.
Can I use the new Rockbox Utility: version 1.27 to automatilcally install the latest version of rockbox on it?
By the way which version is the latest stable version of rockbox on the CLIP+
emklap wrote:
Can I use the new Rockbox Utility: version 1.27 to automatilcally install the latest version of rockbox on it?
What exactly does the post directly above yours say?
The post above does not mention if it automatically downloads all the files from the internet like lates OF, bootloader and rockbox version
I would like to know what the utility installes
and what is the latest stable version of Rockbx for the clip+
Take a look at the directions. They should explain this.
Also, there is no stable version for the Clip+. Its an unstable port (see www.rockbox.org).
Just wanted to add that I was able to resolve my “jumping music” issue. So the problem was obviously on my side.
Also the sansa firmware does no longer update its database everytime it’s booted for charging, which it did before.
Wanted to mention it so no one feels distracted from trying rockbox because of my comments before.