ROCKBOX inside

Thank you both!

The last release works just great.

USB recognition, and it is just perfect to me!

Especially that Rockbox Utility is “Clip+ ready”! Easy way ton install rockbox if you don’t “dare” installing it manually.


Yeah, running RB on my Clip+, too.

Its just nice.  :smiley:

BR Rob

Rockbox newbie here. I’m trying to install using the Rockbox Utility. When I try auto detect I get the message “Could not detect a mount point”. So I select it manually (which in my case is the H: drive) and select clip+ as my player. But the problem is both the complete and minimal installation buttons are greyed out so I can’t select either. What stupid thing am I doing wrong?

zippster wrote:
Rockbox newbie here. I’m trying to install using the Rockbox Utility. When I try auto detect I get the message “Could not detect a mount point”. So I select it manually (which in my case is the H: drive) and select clip+ as my player. But the problem is both the complete and minimal installation buttons are greyed out so I can’t select either. What stupid thing am I doing wrong?

Don’t use the Auto Defect USB setting. Rockbox is MSC only.

@tapeworm wrote:

Don’t use the Auto Defect USB setting. Rockbox is MSC only

I am using MSC.

Then why did you say:

zippster wrote:
Rockbox newbie here. I’m trying to install using the Rockbox Utility. When I try auto detect I get the message “Could not detect a mount point”.


And why would you come here instead of the Rockbox site to try and solve an issue with their installer?

@tapeworm wrote:


 And why would you come here instead of the Rockbox site to try and solve an issue with their installer?

I meant the the auto detect in the Rockbox Utility not the USB mode in the system settings of the player. Sorry to be a bother and waste your time, I thought it might be just a simple thing I was doing wrong that could be answered here.

zippster wrote:

I meant the the auto detect in the Rockbox Utility not the USB mode in the system settings of the player. Sorry to be a bother and waste your time, I thought it might be just a simple thing I was doing wrong that could be answered here.


Ahhh, well . . . now that’s something completely different!


@gwk1967 wrote:

When installing an unstable build, you can’t use the installation options on the “Quick Start” tab. Go to the “Installation” tab instead to install the bootloader, then Rockbox. You’ll need an unmodified copy of the Clip+ firmware for Rockbox Utility to patch for the first step.

I don’t recall reading anywhere that you can’t use the Quick Start tab on unstable builds (well at least there’s no mention of it in the instruction manual). Anyways, I sucessfully installed it using the Installation tab as you suggested. Thanks for for your help gwk1967.

I installed Rockbox onto an old Clip V1, and my current Clip+ at the weekend. This is a great piece of work.

I’m having great fun at the moment, being able to speed up my audiobooks without pitch-shifting.

Couple of niggles: The Updater app won’t allow original firmware more recent than 01.02.09.

I also had a heart-stopping moment when the Clip+ crashed during a database update, and I couldn’t see a way to revive it for a while, and was convinced I’d bricked it (I was “bricking it” too). Holding the power button for a good 15-20s brought it back from the dead.

Also, I’m still looking for an easy shortcut back to the While Playing Screen.

The Sansa firmware uses the Home button to toggle betweem the menu and the playback screen, but in Rockbox it toggles between the main menu and the previous screen, so I have to move through the menu and select “Now Playing”.

njd wrote:


Also, I’m still looking for an easy shortcut back to the While Playing Screen.

The Sansa firmware uses the Home button to toggle betweem the menu and the playback screen, but in Rockbox it toggles between the main menu and the previous screen, so I have to move through the menu and select “Now Playing”.


You can set up Rockbox to display the ‘Now Playing’ screen upon start-up, instead of the Main Menu.

Thanks @Tapeworm, that helps a bit.

Actually, I’ve discovered how to get straight to the While Playing Screen:

Outside the WPS, Home + Select takes you directly back there, and Home (long press) toggles the Quickscreen.

Within the WPS, Home + Select brings up the Quickscreen, and Home (long press) toggles Hold lock.

This arrangement seems to have changed a bit recently, so it’s possible the manual hasn’t caught up yet.

(Rockbox seems to have more combos that International Karake +, but I’m showing my age).

Message Edited by njd on 06-01-2010 04:22 PM

We haven’t really figured out what we want to do with the Clip+ keys yet.  Right now its just using the clip keymap, which I think is mostly borrowed from the e200, so some of the keys are a bit odd.

@njd wrote:

 I also had a heart-stopping moment when the Clip+ crashed during a database update, and I couldn’t see a way to revive it for a while, and was convinced I’d bricked it (I was “bricking it” too). Holding the power button for a good 15-20s brought it back from the dead.


I had a scare myself where I thought I bricked it. One of the first things I tried after installing Rockbox was the Cuesheet function. I was playing a flac file which had a cue sheet, skipped to the 2nd song everything was fine, skipped to the 3rd song and the player completely froze. No matter which button I pressed nothing happened (including the power button). I finally held the power button down for what seemed like a minute and it came back. That’s one thing that ■■■■■ about not being able to pull the battery out to do a reset.

I have tried rockbox now because of this thread and I like the options it provides, but the playback quality suffers heavily. I have lots of jumps during playback of my ogg-files. It sounds like those old vinyl records when they were damaged (cpu too weak ?) and overall sound quality seems worse than the original firmware. Battery runtime is much better though, almost double.

@ogg_ardent wrote:
I have lots of jumps during playback of my ogg-files. It sounds like those old vinyl records when they were damaged (cpu too weak ?) and overall sound quality seems worse than the original firmware. Battery runtime is much better though, almost double.

 Can you elaborate on this?  I’ve never heard of it, and its not a CPU issue:


175906 of 175906

Decode time - 21.78s

File duration - 175.90s

807.62% realtime

29.71MHz needed for realtime

Not bad on a 250MHz CPU :) 

as I said, it sounds like a broken vinyl record. I can rewind back and have the same “jump” on the exact same place. If I reload the file (select it again in the playlist) the jump is gone. It happens randomly about once in 3 songs and is safely reproducable for me (just playing some songs …).

All my files are 208kbit and 224kbit cbr ogg and are located on a 16gb toshiba card (class 4).

This doesn’t happen on the sansa firmware.

I have replaygain active, crossfade and lifted bass a bit, but will try without those. I will also try another card.

@ogg_ardent wrote:

as I said, it sounds like a broken vinyl record. I can rewind back and have the same “jump” on the exact same place. If I reload the file (select it again in the playlist) the jump is gone.

 So it sounds like the file is copied into memory corrupted, but if you reload it, the file is read correctly on the second try.  Try the internal memory and see if that works any better, it could be the SD card glitching.

Also, which build are you using (give the exact revision number)? 
