It’s not stable yet but it’s up to you…
Thank you Rockbox & ABI
Message Edited by Nuntius on 03-24-2010 08:37 PM
It’s not stable yet but it’s up to you…
Thank you Rockbox & ABI
Message Edited by Nuntius on 03-24-2010 08:37 PM
It does indeed look awesome, but the idea of “permanently bricking” my Clip+ if it doesn’t work does give me the heebie-jeebies, though.
Message Edited by HulkSmashNow on 03-24-2010 05:18 PM
Nuntius, do your headphones have different size earbuds on right vs. left?
(eye check…)
This picture isn’t mine! But Indeed, my left ear has a bigger hole than the right one :smileyvery-happy:
Brick my Clip+ forever doesn’t make me smile either. My Clip+ isn’t Rockboxed (yet).
My Clip+ is now performing nominally, with native SanDisk FW 01.02.09; even the battery charging seems to be OK now after doing a reset after updating to 01.02.09 (battery charging was erratic before). So I am very cautious about touching the FW again. Methinks it would be a good idea to wait until Rockbox is stable.
I’m with you, Sandclip. I’m gonna wait, as well.
Miikerman wrote:
Also, keep in mind: installing Rockbox on any Clip model may delete the possibility of using DRM’ed files on your Clip, even if you delete Rockbox from the Clip later (this factor was documented earlier; unknown if it remains).
No great loss in my eyes, but I guess if you like audiobooks it could be an issue.
It was fixed quite a while ago. Oh, and, I wouldn’t worry about bricking a Clip, it’s very hard to happen, and impossible if you follow the instructions. However, I don’t take any responsibility for anyone failing to follow the instructions at the Rockbox website.
@yelped wrote:
It was fixed quite a while ago. Oh, and, I wouldn’t worry about bricking a Clip, it’s very hard to happen, and impossible if you follow the instructions. However, I don’t take any responsibility for anyone failing to follow the instructions at the Rockbox website.
But, I did hear over abi that some people are having problems with it, as it’s an unstable release. I can wait…I don’t have many complaints about my Clip+ right now, especially since I’m finally using the darn thing in MSC mode!
HulkSmashNow wrote:
I don’t have many complaints about my Clip+ right now, especially since I’m finally using the darn thing in MSC mode!
HulkSmashNow wrote:
I don’t have many complaints about my Clip+ right now, especially since I’m finally using the darn thing in MSC mode!
Hulk, why did you wait?
@marvin_martian wrote:
Hulk, why did you wait?
Mostly stupidity, I think, but once I learned how to successfully make playlists in MSC mode, I’ve used it exclusively since then.
And thanks, Tapeworm!
Does using rockbox alllow you to exceed the typical song limit of the clip+? (8000ish files)
Yes, there is no file limit at all in rockbox. Basically nothing at all about the original firmware applies to rockbox aside from hardware limitations (RAM, CPU speed, etc).
Gapless finally! Bliss!
The port is unstable but it is nice to listen to Dark Side of the Moon without the blotches
Sandisk should think of using Rockbox in their players! It’s a win win for everyone!
What are the instabilities?
Not sure which I’d prefer - a stable player that always does what it is supposed to, or a player that is gapless but has glitches and crashes. Probably the former.
@sandclip wrote:
What are the instabilities?
Not sure which I’d prefer - a stable player that always does what it is supposed to, or a player that is gapless but has glitches and crashes. Probably the former.
Then you’re probably the kind of person who should wait for the port to stabilize. Check back in a month.
I really enjoy Rockbox but the problem with the volume level (the lowest isn’t low enough) annoys me alot.
I think you could also just turn the preamp gain way down.