Request for future improvement

Since you nice people at Sandisk seem to be open to listen to user requests… I like my fuze a lot… but there are a few things that would make it GREAT!!

1 - when fast forwarding through a song - or more needed - an audiobook - could you make it so that you could hear as it is fast forwarding - sometimes I have things taped from a lecture etc or an event where there is a part I want to skip - I don’t want to have to make a million tiny files - but fast forwarding and being able to hear would be useful. My old sandisk SDMX1-512R had that ability. and I miss it.

2- battery indicator - could it show % not just a cute icon… I know I can go to the info but it would be nice to see it right up front…

Also for us Linux users 

3 - the ability to convert movies etc not using smc that does not work on linux… 


Thae this copy it and post it to the Porduct Feature Suggestion Board. Its probably good to have it in these 2 places.