FInally I kept the V2 Fuze.
I tried the E270 with rockbox and Rockbox is so cool but I had no time to test it well and so even if SQ seemed almost identical to Fuze one with my earbuds and no hiss at all was noticeable, anyway I kept Fuze because E270 seemed to haver a more closed sound and I had no time to understand if it was because of my ignorance of how to set well the rockbox sound and eq…
So, Fuze it is.
And now I want to take the best of it. One thing I noticed is that I have no much volume.
I think it is my fault. I have found some time ago this program which you all surely know well, MP3 Gain. My idea was that I wanted all songs at samer general volume so to not have to change volume all the time.
So, I have setted all my songs to volume 88 with MP3 gain, because many many songs were clipping (according to MP3 Gain) at higher volumes.
Is 88 too few?
I still have the original songs ,not changed by MP3 Gain. Should I set them at 93 or something similar even if MP3 Gain detect clipping on many of them, and then let the Fuze avoid the clipping with ReplayGain?
Or should I directly avoid MP3 Gain and let all the normalization and anticlipping job to Fuze?
Message Edited by TomJensen on 05-03-2010 06:27 PM
Mmm, at the moment I am using only one, but I am experiencing this “problem”: to avoid clipping in all tracks, and to have all tracks as much as possible at same volume, I had to put all tracks at volume 88 and then some track which were still clipping I had to put them at even lower volume.
Now, 88 seem to be a volume which force me to havethe device all the time at a hich volume. This means that when I need very high volume I may not be able to get it, and that when I need normal volume to walk with earbuds I have to spend more battery because I have fuze at high volume (isn’t it?).
My suspect was that I could have set traks at more than 88 with MP3 gain and then letting RG do the rest of the job for the track which still clip.
You say that eventually it would be better to use only RG?
How would that function?

San_Discolo wrote:
Mmm, at the moment I am using only one, but I am experiencing this “problem”: to avoid clipping in all tracks, and to have all tracks as much as possible at same volume, I had to put all tracks at volume 88 and then some track which were still clipping I had to put them at even lower volume.
Now, 88 seem to be a volume which force me to havethe device all the time at a hich volume. This means that when I need very high volume I may not be able to get it, and that when I need normal volume to walk with earbuds I have to spend more battery because I have fuze at high volume (isn’t it?).
My suspect was that I could have set traks at more than 88 with MP3 gain and then letting RG do the rest of the job for the track which still clip.
You say that eventually it would be better to use only RG?
How would that function?

Are you using the custom EQ? That quite often can cause clipping. The Normal and Jazz settings don’t cause any problems though.
San_Discolo wrote:
Now, 88 seem to be a volume which force me to havethe device all the time at a hich volume.
The default of MP3Gain is 89db, which I (and others I know that use it) fiind a bit on the low side. Personally, I set my target to 94db. Yes, you’re bound to get some clipping, but only because CD’s are recorded so hot today. Many are well over 100+db, and the clipping is built-in.
Well, I am using personalized eq, yes, but I am not experiencing clipping (well, I am not sure what a clipping is).
I am just experiencing that volume is too low somtimes… I mean, with my earbuds I have never needed the maximum volume till now. But once I had to connect Fuze to a aux in of a music player (I mean, one of these with cd player, and speakers…) and even at maximum volume it was not loud enough.
But that was with Jazz EQ setting. Now, with Personalized eq, volume is higher and I do not feel I need to change anything anymore…